I have 3/8 M experience in VOTI as a melee DPS. Looking to swap classes that allows me to flex tank (for both keys and raid).
I am primarily looking to raid on my druid (main spec feral, but flexing as bear) but am willing to consider other classes (everything is leveled and minimum 400 ilvl, most are closer to 405-410) if the fit is right/we mesh well.
Warrior & DH are both current 410, druid is 402 but ramping 
Times available: Weekdays 6 PM Pacific - 11 PM Pacific, Weekends 6 PM Pacific - 12 AM Pacific.
I like your flex of both spec and class; hit up one of our officers!
Semi Retired is a raiding and m+ focused guild on Area 52 looking to build up our roster to push into mythic raiding for upcoming Patch 10.1! Our goal is to create an active, inclusive m+ community to strengthen our forces and teamwork so when Aberrus is open we go in ready to push hard.
We’re looking for more people like the people we have now: People who want to engage and do things together. People who are looking to be apart of the guild, not just use the guild to achieve their individual goals only. People should have goals and we want the guild to help people get them, but we also want people who will turn around and help others to achieve theirs.
The currect raid schedule is Tuesday/Wednesday 9-12 EST. M+ is run throughout the week and we do anywhere from baby keys for valor and alts to higher keys pushing to KSH.
If this sounds like a good fit for you, reach out to talk to one of our officers. Add us on:
Xrusader (Guild Master) - BNet: silver9172#11607 - Discord: Xarali#6374
Akeychi (Officer) - Bnet: Rusams#1495 - Discord: Akeychi#1141
Hey there, i run a semi hc guild on mal’ganis as horde. We are a group of experienced players with a pretty active community and run raids on fri/sat 9pm to 12am cst (7 to 10pm pst) and also do heroic alt runs on tuesdays typically around 8pm cst. Currently 3/8m with some sennarth prog.
We are currently open recruiting for 10.1 and if youd be interested in joining a fun bunch of gamers that play most evenings and raid weekends, id be down to talk with you.
Feel free to add me on disc itschrismang#1569
Greetings! Would love to chat more on discord Forreal#1407 We are 3/8m and raid 8:30-11:30pm EST. ( You have 6pm PST listed if that is flexible by 30 mins we are inside the zone)