375+ Raid Couple LF Alliance weekend raiding guild

Hi Delorik,

If you are looking for a place to call home, my guild might just be it. We prefer you play what you enjoy, and we are currently looking for DPS. Any of your characters would be good, but we could work with fitting your mains into the mythic prog team. A little about my guild;

Name: Bare Bones
Server: Stormrage
Faction: Alliance

Uldir: 2/8M
BoD: Goal is CE

Mythic Team: Friday / Sunday 9-12pm EST
Casual Team: Saturdays 9-12pm EST


  1. Any competitive DPS
  2. All exceptional players considered
  3. All casuals welcomed

We are an active, semi-hardcore raiding guild. We participate in RBG’s, we have several groups of people that push keys, some are pushing 15’s. We have guild alt runs, mythic island groups, and other fun events. We have groups that sell M+ keys and island run’s also.

If you like what you have read, please feel free to contact me so we can have a quick chat.