Hello my name is delorik my wife is Aceso we are currently look for a fulltime weekend raid team Can fill any role between the two of us but would like to stick to mains. I have been raiding since WOD my wife has been raiding since BC. I have raid lead since legion but had some drama and think it’s time to find a new home.
Current progression 8/8N 8/8H 2/8M
My toons
376 fire mage
372 ele sham
371 arms war
370 brewmaster (Main)
365 blood DK
360 outlaw rogue
Wife toons
378 holy priest (main)
375 balance druid
376 BM hunter
368 Demon hunter
Would like to stick to mains
We are willing to transfer after a trial with the guild to see if its a good fit. Have had a lot of run in with progression guild that still form half pug.
Hope to hear from guild soon thank you for your time
Hey Delorik!
Gonna leave some more info below. We started late as we moved to WoW from another MMO a couple of months ago, but have quickly leveled, geared, and progressed, with next tier our goal being CE. Hope to hear from you!
More info:
TKx is a long time guild that recently moved to WoW (2 months ago), because the game we have played the past 5 years has become neglected and stale (GW2, mass pvp game mode). We have been one of the top guilds for years and just didn’t have much competition anymore…so we decided to try WoW since many of us have prior experience but haven’t played it together as a guild before. We have quickly progressed, currently 7/8h and 1/8m in less than two months on top of leveling, gearing, and a break during Christmas time.
Our goal is to progress mythic raid content, and next tier our goal is to achieve CE. We are a very determined group of individuals. We like to have fun, but expect to get progression done efficiently. Real life comes first here and that is why we have chosen a 2-day raid schedule. Our mindset for improvement and learning is definitely hardcore; we expect our members to constantly strive to do something better: all the time, everytime.
Raid times are Fri, Sat @ 9:30pm - 1am. US-PST timezone.
Server: US-Lightbringer
- age 18+
- a good attitude
- being open to individual constructive criticism
- a working microphone (that you will be required to use)
- good communication skills
- always looking for ways to improve your gameplay
- consistent attendance
TKx requires a vocal interview over Discord before we invite anyone to join us. This is something we do with every potential recruit before we extend an invite. This is to ensure our membership expectations are clearly communicated, and understood, before we invite you.
If you are interested or have questions, please contact BTag: mitsuru#1890
Best of luck in your search!
I will message you once I’m off work. What roles do you have available
Phase Three (Tichondrius) is a newly formed guild of friends with up to 8/8 Mythic Uldir and previous Cutting Edge experience looking to create an enjoyable raid environment on a relaxed schedule pushing for CE each tier.
2/8M Uldir
Raid Schedule:
Friday and Saturday
6 PM to 9 PM PST (9 PM to 12 AM EST)
Current Needs:
Holy/Disc Priest (HIGH)
Mistweaver (HIGH)
Shadow Priest (HIGH)
Mage (HIGH)
Any Exceptional RDPS
JvstOz#1237 (BTAG)
CrmsnShdw#11242 (BTAG)
Hey Delorik,
I think you should have a chat with our GM (Deathfire#1102) or one of our officers, I will leave the full guild info below for you. I am not an officer in my guild, really just surfing the forums to help recruit because I have that luxury while at work. Your situation seems very similar to my wife and I’s situation about 2 years ago. We were looking for a good raid guild that wasn’t afraid to recruit a couple and in UWL we found our forever guild. BfA has not been kind to guild rosters so we are trying to add a few more dedicated bodies to our raid team and I think you should check us out. Obligatory guild info below:
United We Loot [A] Stormrage recruiting a few more raiders!
We believe that raiding content can be achieved without the need for an environment where everyone is barking at one another. Because of this, we have a low tolerance for individuals with abrasive attitudes and personalities. We are looking for individuals who want the challenge of content and the enjoyment that comes with conquering that content with the people around them.
Battle of Dazar’alor is right around the corner and we’re looking for you to join us in our progression! We raid two days a week with a casual to semi-hardcore environment.
We are also looking for individuals who have a desire for Mythic+ dungeons.
Raid Times
Tuesday 9:00p -11:00p EST (Heroic/Normal)
Thursday 9:00p -11:00p EST (Mythic/Heroic)
Friday 9:00p -12:00a EST (Mythic/Heroic)
2/8M Uldir
8/8H Uldir
- Tanks - Full
- Healers - Open
- Melee DPS - Open
- Ranged DPS - Open
Other players are encouraged to inquire
Player expectations:
* We expect each raider to come prepared for raids.
* A basic understanding of fight mechanics.
* An ability to ask questions.
* Completion of weekly M+10.
* Enchants, Food,
* Flasks, Prepots.
All other skilled players are encouraged to contact us about joining.
Anyone interested in joining please contact one of our officers:
Deathfier @ Deathfire#1102
Summine @ summine#1882
xSyl @ syl#12907
Before i even post guild spam I think it’s awesome you guys raid together!!!
Going to keep this super short!!
MG- Stormrage [A]
We are a NEW guild for 8.1 our raid leader is 8/8M
8 - 11 pm EST Tuesday, Thursday
Some of our raiders have raided top 100+. We are a fun and active group who Are on throughout the day running M+s and other content. Id Love to talk to you more
Thanks for reading this!!! hope you find a home soon
discord: briixxloveee#4871
Thank you all for the guild that are posting for weekday raiding but me and my wife are stuck to a strickly weekend scedual I’m active duty army stationed In south korea so only days i have off are sat/sun here and that’s when I raid which means I can only do a fri/sat raid group for US times. But thank you for putting your info in and considering us for your raid teams
Hi Delorik,
If you are looking for a place to call home, my guild might just be it. We prefer you play what you enjoy, and we are currently looking for DPS. Any of your characters would be good, but we could work with fitting your mains into the mythic prog team. A little about my guild;
Name: Bare Bones
Server: Stormrage
Faction: Alliance
Uldir: 2/8M
BoD: Goal is CE
Mythic Team: Friday / Sunday 9-12pm EST
Casual Team: Saturdays 9-12pm EST
- Any competitive DPS
- All exceptional players considered
- All casuals welcomed
We are an active, semi-hardcore raiding guild. We participate in RBG’s, we have several groups of people that push keys, some are pushing 15’s. We have guild alt runs, mythic island groups, and other fun events. We have groups that sell M+ keys and island run’s also.
If you like what you have read, please feel free to contact me so we can have a quick chat.
Hey there Delorik!
In case you both are open to the idea of playing Horde, check out Murloc Madness! We have an immediate opening for a core healer on our heroic only raid team, so your wife could continue to play her Holy Priest. Unfortunately our tank positions are set, so we would not have a spot available for you as a Brewmaster Monk. But if you’re willing to play Windwalker or any of your mentioned alts that would work! Our info is below, hope to hear from you and best of luck in your search!
<Murloc Madness>
About Us: <Murloc Madness> is a casual heroic weekend raiding guild located on Area 52. When we’re not raiding, our members are hanging out in Discord playing various games together or just chatting.
Raid Schedule: Friday 10pm-1am EST & Saturday 9pm-1am EST
Progression: 8/8H Uldir | All Legion AOTC
More Info: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/area-52/Murloc+Madness
Website: Apply at https://murlocmadness.enjin.com/
Officer: Aszuna (Btag: Ophelea#1117, Discord: Aszuna#8963)
Officer: Inuyokai (Btag: Inuyokai#11219, Discord: Inuyokai#4918)
Spread the Madness!
Hey! Add me on btag or discord so we can chat. We would have room for both of you on our main roster!
Btag: legsonfire#11667
Discord: legsonfire#0001
Hi Delorik,
Zeroes to Heroes an Alliance guild on US-Stormrage is a community based guild that also raids. We support nine different raiding teams spanning all difficulties every day of the week. We also have a Sunday run that is specifically designed to give those without a raid team or looking to get into raiding a place to experience Uldir in a teaching environment.
More information about our great community can be found here: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/zeroes-to-heroes-community-raiding-more/17755?u=lusiv%C3%A8-stormrage
and for information about our various raid teams can be found here:
Many of our members have found their home here, we hope you will check us out!
still haven’t found forever home
Hi Dêlorìk, I would like to talk to you about my community. Please add me Skinsaw#1430. I will look forward to talking to you!
[A] Game Over’s new weekend team (US- Proudmoore Server) is recruiting for a Cutting-Edge team focused on pushing Fridays 7:30 to 12:30 EST and Saturdays 7:30 to 12:30 EST. We are looking for talented players of all roles who are ready and willing to make the most of the two-day raid times and add to our strong and close community outside of raid.
Our focus is first and foremost to achieve Cutting-Edge as a weekend raid team, and to help build up a stronger raid community alongside our other raid teams
Expectations of Members –
- Be prepared to raid, including consumables, knowledge of the fights, and have gear enchanted and ready. Knowing how to sim yourself, and read logs are also very important.
- Since we only raid two days a week, 100% attendance is required of all members, although those with credible reasons to miss must inform the officer core so we can adjust accordingly.
- Since this is a weekend raid group, a mature and focused attitude is preferred, we don’t want drama and bad attitudes
- Preparing your gear inside and outside of raid is very important, we have a very active group of people in the guild who actively run M+, so outside of raid it is recommended that members run them and get their keys done
- Keep your necklaces up to date!
- Our community is strong, with a main team that is active and pushing cutting edge, obtaining it every raid tier, and being in this team means being part of this community, so we expect players to act accordingly, being toxic to other teams will not be accepted, and we hope you can make efforts to integrate with the guild’s community.
A bit about our community
We have three other active raid groups between the main raid, PSC, and FOMO. Our main team has obtained Cutting-edge every raid tier, and our officers are active and helpful. The leadership has been playing since vanilla, and went 8/8M in Uldir
Healers (all classes)
Druid (RDPS, ) Looking for two skilled Moonkins
Mage (Must be willing to play all specs)
Hunter (BM pref)
Skillful players comfortable with any class not listed will be considered
Contact Lenalee #1179 if you are interested