So, I took a break from the game mid-Uldir, needed a mental break from WoW. I’m looking for a raiding guild to get back in the show, Friday-Saturdays are my ideal raid days.
I played Mage in Legion and progressed through every raid on Mythic, and finished at 7/11M. The guild I was in finished at 11/11M, unfortunately AND fortunately I had to stop raiding since I was in the process of buying a new home, so I didn’t get to finish the tier out. I parse between 80-95 on average, but I do hit 99 and as low as 70-75 at times. But more often than not, I parse very well(once my gear is up to date).
I’m currently 373 and willing to start grinding my neckpiece back up, but I want to wait until I find a home to raid with before I start going all-out and committing. My strongest trait as a player I believe is that I rarely die by fault of my own.
You can contact me on here or add me on bnet Weric#11336
We are looking to add a couple members to our Progression raid roster, and a rogue would fit in well.
Catalyst [Sargeras] [A] is a community focused on end game PVE progression. We have a very experienced group of leaders, skilled in organizing and executing all end game content. Our core group of friends and raiders reformed the guild to push at a high level. We may raid at a high level but with a semi-casual approach (2 Nights a week for 3 hours a night). We will make the most out of the time we spend raiding. We have high expectations for the guild, and thus are looking for exceptional players