Oh…wow. I just went back and checked their FAQ like you said.
This caught my eye:
"What character sheets do you analyze ?
Every players from EU, US realms, with :
a 1800+ rating are analyzed (pvp)
at least 1 bosses killed in mythic mode (pve)"
So, ALL the players like myself, who don’t pvp and who don’t do mythics, aren’t counted. But, we are the players who do the content that most requires flying. These stats are meaningless if they’re not including the players who most want/need to fly.
Mythic + gearing is… problematic. I’ll give you that one.
There is a difference between player power (individually, and across the community) and non-power related things like flying. For one thing, gearing is an infinite ladder, while flying is binary.
Not everything is “all” or “nothing”. I don’t have an issue with Pathfinder per se; I have an issue with how it’s implemented.
yeah i get all that. but flying increases the speed that you absorb new content. It’s literally counterproductive to the goals of the corporation. Not my goal, not your goal but to the goals of the corporation that write your paycheck. You have a very difficult challenge…make engaging content that cannot be burnt through quickly.
Example…I love rep tabards but lets be honest, if rep tabards existed people would have had pathfinder in 24 hours.
honestly i’m too poor to pay the 500k per toon it would likely cost if they were to get rid of pathfinder. i like it because i can fly while i’m leveling and stuff which i do a lot of. and it unlocks for all my toons instead of having to spend more gold than i’ll ever make on it. though i understand that to some people that kind of gold is not a big deal and they’d rather ah pvp than grind pathfinder.
That’s hilarious. So they’re not even getting the bulk of the playerbase. Who cares whether 37% of raid loggers and people who queue up for rated pvp sitting in town have flight?
Both Blizzard and the players are making market decisions.
Blizzard is trying to get more and more out of a smaller and smaller group of players; unfortunately, the very decisions they are making are the things that are reducing the player-base.
i’ve already explained. people with no self control will potentially hurt themselves doing it. plus the screams of “forced” to do xyz per day would be astronomical. look at how people are responding to the benthic pieces with sockets. imagine that on a much larger scale since most people want to fly but hardly anyone raids.
I really like questing and pvping in mechagon and Najatar. I got flying and I’m still doing those things.
Where ever you stand on flying, I was basically given something for doing what I was already going to do. I wouldn’t call that grinding. in my opinion grinding is when you do a random thing for no other reason than the grind. Like killing boars, or running the same dungeon 100 times.
I think the larger problem is that both Nazjatar and Mechagon are simply boring to a lot of us. At least Suramar gave you content when you hit a new level of reputation, Nazjatar and Mechagon are so bleh. I’ve played most expansions, and this is the first time that I just don’t care about progression. BfA has really taken a toll on the playerbase. There’s nothing interesting storywise or gameplaywise in either zone.
This is the bit that matters. Personal daily investment for a player has been determined by blizzard instead of by the player.
You said it was dishonest to say that it’s time gated and the only option for players is to just let it unlock itself over time.
You didn’t miss it but you’re completely ignoring it? Gotcha.
Weekly is better than daily, and monthly even better than weekly, but at what point does the cap become arbitrary? Let the players set their own pace for grinding anything but raid bosses.
What’s your point? “Killing mobs for 5 rep a pop” hasn’t changed. You’re just handcuffed on how many mobs you can kill each day. It’s completely stupid.