Showing an estimate of 35 days for ticket response time. Is this game even staffed anymore?
The multi dollar company is having some issues getting to tickets right now. Please buy our 1 year sub.
They need more 12 month subs. If they get more 12 month subs, Bobby can hook up stronger WiFi on his 7th yacht. Then maybe he’ll hire a few more GMs or devs.
It would be interesting to know how many employees work on Classic vs Retail.
You can look at the credits and count 'em if you want. There’s 32 Classic employees on the WoTLK credits, not gonna go count Dragonflight’s.
CS is for both games though.
Where do you see only 32? There is FAR more than 32 people in those credits.
There’s 4 total staff working on the game. One is strictly for the LFG system, the other is bug fixes, the other is QA and the other just demands things to be done
The ENTIRE list of credits are for Lich King Classic.
Yes, because the entire WoW team is listed there. Brian has said that there really isn’t two teams, they’re all part of the WoW team but there’s a specific number of employees dedicated to Classic. He also said they sometimes get help from other team members if they need it.
I got answered in 2 days when it said 17. But yes they must have cut 99% of their customer support staff
This isn’t even remotely close to being true.
is the wait time the same on retail as it is on classic?
Citation needed
You first.
Instead of a 35 day queue Blizzard should just come out with a Wrath Classic Manual Customer Support Finder. You just manually queue for the problem you have and spam Looking For Support chat and if you’re lucky you’ll eventually find a GM.
I waited two weeks for mine a month ago or so. Then they just rubber stamped a denial of my simple reasonable issue. This company is in maintenance mode.
They don’t even read it. Pretty much the only company that I hope never unionizes, as even now the employees they do have don’t put in the bare minimum of effort. Being short-handed is never an excuse to not even do the job but still take the paycheck.
Wait did Elon buy WoW too?
If only. Blizzard could use a good Muskin’.