35 day ticket response time

Nah he’d just charge $8 a month for people to get a GM tag regardless of what they do in game.

That’s not how this works. I added an anecdotal assumption to my reply from my experience in the last few years dealing with customer support.

You gave a definitive statement declaring my response as false, inferring you have data to confirm otherwise.


I asked first.

Sure, you can simply check the credits of the game and compare it to past expansion releases. The CS team is listed on the credits.

Why would they care when they know we’re going to pay regardless of what they do?

The CS team handles all the games. They own over 30.

There’s 13 Blizzard games on the Battle.net app.

Activision Blizzard own 30.


Uhhh, you realize that Activision-Blizzard and Blizzard Entertainment are not the same thing, right? Activision-Blizzard is a holding company.

Activision runs support for their own games, Blizzard doesn’t run CS for CoD.

After several years of rapid expansion through acquisitions of smaller game developers, Activision merged with Blizzard Entertainment in 2008 to create Activision Blizzard , forming one of the world’s largest video game companies.


Okay, so you can’t differentiate between video game development studios and stock holding companies.


Okay fair point. I’d like to know how many CS does Blizzard have for all their games? More importantly, how many of the CS personnel handle tickets? We know that Activision is directly responsible for cutting staff in all departments throughout Blizzard. How many of the remaining CS staff were reassigned? Do we know?

The greatest casualties were at Blizzard, which has reportedly experienced a tense relationship with Activision for years due to not releasing enough new properties quickly. Kotaku’s sources say that across Blizzard, layoffs occurred largely within support teams, IT, and QA. Esports also lost employees, as did publishing, which includes PR, marketing, community support, and game support. Notably, Blizzard’s publishing team had previously been split between North American and global publishing, but the two halves were rejoined with the staff cuts.

Activision’s effect on Blizzard was like “a frog in a boiling pot of water,” Former Blizzard director Jay Wilson recently said. In its early stages Blizzard kept its agency, but over time Activision’s influence grew. For example, Wilson said Heroes of the Storm staffers were “crushed in meetings with Activision, where [Activision staffers] were always talking about the bottom line.”

“I would say Bobby [Kotick] has a predatory business way of looking at things, or just a standard capitalist way of looking at things,” said Jason Baker, founder and Managing Director of Do Not Peek Entertainment. Baker was the Lead Observer for Overwatch League at Blizzard. “[Kotick is] trying to extract as much money out of the customers as possible, whereas Blizzard seemed to try and rely on, ‘We’re going to make a great product, and hopefully the money keeps coming in and we can make another great product.”

"Wilson said that many senior leads at Blizzard then began to quit as a result of Activision’s change of approach. “A lot of the higher-up people who left did because they got frustrated with all of that,” he said.

“I don’t think they made those products better. There’s a lot of bad things about Blizzard, there’s a lot of great things, but I think the best thing… when I was there Blizzard had this saying ‘We always want to be the guys in the white hats’, which means we always want to be the good guys.

“So if we charge our players for something, and of course we’re going to charge them, we’re a business… But we always wanted to charge them what we thought was reasonable. So that came in direct conflict with a lot of [Activision’s ideas].”

So that ship has long since sailed.

I’m sure if you buy the 1 year sub for a mount then they will get right to work on your tickets.

They value you as a customer.

THIS is the exact reason I have not purchased Dragonflight… they no longer communicate and therefore I don’t trust them as a company. I trust the already made auto pilot mode tho. Even tho it’s buggy and should still have support and communication as it’s being packaged as something new.


Update: It’s now up to 37 days!

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