30 min timeout for making a mistake

Kicked out of groupfinder group for dying on a boss and I get a 30 min timeout? WTF!?


Too much or too little?


They should of Rezzed you and finished the Dungeon. Dying is fine.

With that said if you die on a Boss and get kicked there should be no penalty because you did nothing wrong and were attempting a Boss. That should remove the penalty.

The penalties aren’t working correctly at all and just giving out flat 30 min debuff. After a Boss you should have no debuff or X time left if you leave/kicked. That isn’t happening and 30 mins no matter what.

Correct the penalty isn’t working correctly.


Ah! That’s the point you were getting at. Thank you for the clarification.

Yeah, idk what the intent of it is. I mean, you said a reason in your OP, but you don’t actually know. They may have kicked you because they didn’t like your name, or on accident, or just because…


Don’t die to a boss…

I hope you learn the lesson hahah

People need to learn the bosses, can’t do that if people are just jerks about it.

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I have never seen these kind of groups.

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I feel like thats only half the story…

Initially I didn’t see many issues with groups and kicking in LFD when initially leveling up my first character, but now that I’m leveling up alts, I have consistently seen this type of behavior occuring left and right in groups. I’ve never been on the receiving end of this, but I consistently see vote kicks initiated, at least every couple of runs. Whether its for “dps being too low” even though they’re pulling reasonable dps for mere heroic dungeons, or “afk” when they stepped away for half a minute after telling the group, or “moving too slow” when they aren’t doing anything of the sort. There are also people in groups of 3 that will kick loot competitors, kill boss then reque to fill the slot. Or groups that will kick people at the end of runs so that they have no competition on the chaos orbs. LFD is certainly a lot more toxic than when cata first dropped.

Unfortunately I don’t see what Blizzard can do about these toxic/bad players that are just vote kicking at any opportunity. Maybe put a long cooldown on how often that player can initiate a vote kick. That could cause people that “deserve” to be kicked to run free, but there are also three others in a run that could initiate the kick, and it would prevent specific people from being toxic and abusing the kick feature.