30 Min Debuff abuse

They don’t need to justify anything, though.

The group votes. Majority rules. If the group thought you were too slow, you were too slow. If they didn’t, they wouldn’t have voted to kick.

Hope this helps.

30 mins if you leave the group by your own;
10/15 mins if you get kicked;
30 mins to 1 hour if you get kicked twice during a daily lockout;
Get locked for the day if you get kicked 3 times in a row. Something like that. I’m not a game designer but there is totally some way to put filters and filter griefers, afk, new players, etc.
Edit: But they need to code and with WoW we know that when you put a new thing, something else breaks and then we get maintenance shutdowns for weeks, so keep the current system.


Yes, it’s a team effort.

New or slower players should be guided by more experienced players, not shunned by them.

Especially in content that isn’t relevant


Wow, people are still pretending this system isn’t weaponized by trolls?

Talk about reinforcing the memes about this game


I don’t engage with nonsense.

Either read and use logic or don’t.

I’m done beating the dust of this dead horse.

That is certainly the kind thing to do. Friends often do that for each other. The question here is should Blizzard force people to play with someone who is going to slow them down, or who they don’t want to play with for some reason?

Blizzard can force them to be polite language wise, but should they be able to force people to play together no matter what?

To me it always brings up those uncomfortable situations where teachers force people to take a team mate or group member they don’t want. Then one kid has to do most of the work. At least they get a grade for it - but they are forced and most don’t have a good reaction to that. It is not fun.

Friends do help friends though.

I still think Follower dungeons at all levels would help a lot, and give new folks a chance to learn the dungeon, mechanics, and the role they wish to play on that char/alt.

I will forever disagree with forcing the majority in a group to play with someone. I also see why nobody wants to allocate staff time to deciding “is that a fair kick”. The amount of time that would take is insane. Every parent knows what it is like to have siblings squabble and ask for the parent to make a ruling.

There is a short list of some improvements to the system that Blizzard would be likely to go along with. Ones that most people here agree with. Yet this thread it STILL going in circles because new people pop up to make personal arguments and jab so bickering continues.


Or they shoot their shot at kicking you instead of the first person they tried to troll.


But you often post it. Isn’t that hypocritical?

You should take your own advice.

You said that in 3 other similar threads yet you engage with people in each new one in bad faith. If you think you’ve said your peace, just leave it be.


Random means random.

It doesn’t mean kick until you get the desired result.

If you want a fast group, make one before you queue up.

Just my 2 cents…


you do understand that this logic doesn’t make any sense right cause it applies to your argument as well?

i know that requires like 0.1% critical thinking but please try.

People can kick you for any reason.

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Insults already?

It’s just too early for me…Have fun though :joy:

asking you to use critical thinking is an insult? dear oh dear. are you from the zoomer generation or should i apologize for the public school system horribly failing you?

The same argument applies - if someone wants to go slow and be taught the ropes, make a group before they queue.

The point here is that if it is a slow group, they have the right to kick a go go go too fast person. A fast group has the right to kick a too slow person. The majority gets to decide how they want to spend their time for that 15 or 20 mins in game.

It does not always FEEL fair to the person who is kicked. Reality is though that it is also not fair to the other 4 who want to play a different way.

Four paying customers vs 1 paying customer. That is another very cynical way to look at it.

I don’t think Blizzard should have to be a babysitter or parent. That is just unreasonable. Players have tools to use for a reason.

If the tools turn out to be obsolete, or gameplay situations require changes, the game company can adjust. They did add additional penalties based on player requests over single boss farming drop outs.

It was definitely meant as an insult and taken as one.

Expect no further replies

lol. right.

Blizz can do whatever they want. It doesn’t mean I have to agree with it.

I’m simply giving my opinion on vote kicking new and slow players in content that can be cleared easily.

I’ll never understand why people defend giving someone a long deserter debuff for what is essentially an extra 5-10 minutes on a dungeon run.

I get the “needs of the many” argument but it just doesn’t seem like serious enough content to matter on this issue to me.

It’s just my opinion and blizz obliviously disagrees with me so there’s nothing else to really say. I’ve said my piece

The length of the deserter debuff is one of the things most people agree could be changed, and maybe should be changed. It was designed to be about the length of the average dungeon back in Wrath. You drop, or disrupt/get kicked from one run, you sit out one run.

Today that length is shorter. If the intent were preserved, a debuff of 15 minutes would be more logical. It is supposed to be one to one.

A very large number of players are not “serious content” players, surprisingly enough. They love aspects of the game, but are not organized end game raiders or M+ runners. Never will be. The goal is to make the rest of the content as pleasant as possible for as large a number as possible. Giving players the tools to control their own group, is one of the current solutions. Too many players are impacted to just throw rules and consequences into the wind.

This has always existed and I have no problems with it.

What I have a problem with is people wanting to use the “random” dungeon grouping tool to get in the dungeon more quickly and then kicking all the noobs when they could simply make a group before hand.

Randomness should mean it’s a wildcard group and that’s the reason you get the bonuses of extra xp and everything else. It’s to make up for the players that may slow you down.

Random should actually mean random. It means that you get who you get no matter if they’re fast, slow or somewhere in the middle. It just seems like a misuse of the tool to me.


Easy fix.

If you get kicked 5-10 minute deserter penalty. If your the abuser, victim, or whatever you still get a penalty. But its not crippling.

If you leave then keep it at 30 minutes. If you leave a group that’s totally on you. I definitely like the penalty for people bailing.