30 Min Debuff abuse

Stop overusing the word abuse.

Secondly, if you are doing group content, you need to keep up with the group.


Wow Iā€™m a little sad here.

I think itā€™s fairly safe to assume that the person kicked was probably behind because they were:

  1. on a class with low mobility, 2. new, or 3. got lost because itā€™s still season 1 and people are still learning.

If they are running behind slower than you can kill things, theyā€™re not impeding the group at all. All I can imagine is someoneā€™s friend, parent, sibling, literally any human - they might be trying to learn to be better or just SEE something to practice killing, only to join every group and get kicked while everyone speeds off one-shotting stuff. Iā€™d hate it too.

Nobody is forcing anyone to play at a slow speed. Sad to see such a dense green response. Itā€™s like we donā€™t want the game to die but are actively hostile to people that even THINK about acting new.

I think all that OP is pointing out is a sheer lack of respect for other players or justā€¦ genuine decency. Makes it hard to want to be kind to my fellow player when everyone is so rude, hence the cyclical issue we have here.

This is why I just heal TW to help queues, stick with dps so they can get quick, safe ez runs, and then off to other content these days. I take my time to be kind and always say thank you and be considerate of stragglers. Makes me feel good and you know, I just really wish it were different.

OP, I might encourage you to do the same if the dungeon crap is too toxic for youā€¦ Sad but LFG is gonna do what LFG is gonna do.


Then the OP shouldnā€™t have voted to kick the person out if this is how they felt.

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Iā€™ve had people kicked before I even get to select yes or no before.



The OP had to vote. It takes four votes with a pre-made group.


Yeah but not in the situation the OP is describing. Itā€™s possible they are incorrect and it was not a guild group but when 3 people queue together they essentially all count as one vote when it comes to removing someone. They need that fourth pug to vote yes as well.

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It always amazes me that people will come in lying on alts trying to start this topic up again without even knowing the basics of how the system works.


Am I dumb? I donā€™t see anything about the group being pre-made and needing 4 peopleā€™s vote? If so then idk what OP is doing and I guess I took easy bait.

I mean, my feeling still stands for LFG in general. Maybe Iā€™m confused about this particular instance.


I agree, we need to increase the debuff for 5 hours for people like OP

Your feeling is on point about it all. Itā€™s driven by lack of respect and empathy and you see it on display in every thread like this that pops up.

Odd how the same people will lecture you about ā€œjust being a good personā€ on so many other subjects and then charge head first into these threads to tell people they are lying, suck, and deserve to be kicked.


so change the entire system because of one vote kick ? Every class has a speed boost option, if someone is straggling behind constantly it seems like a good way to avoid trash.

You get what you give. I choose to give benefit of the doubt because itā€™s a video game.


I never realized how much the existence of the kick debuff supports my theory that tanks are the biggest drama queens in the game.

ā€œI donā€™t like this dungeon. Vote kick me or Iā€™m just going to afk at the entrance.ā€ Is peak WoW tank-brain.

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I quoted it for you. But here it is again:

And itā€™s been a long-standing part of the system that a pre-made group means four votes instead of three are needed to pass a vote kick. Itā€™s how a pre-made canā€™t monopolize a vote kick.


Got it, thanks.

I think u need 3 people to vote to kick, and with random players in group, how can it be abuse if people voted

It canā€™t.

Abuse in this topic just translates to ā€œI didnā€™t agree with the reason for the kickā€.

Which is the point of the vote but no one understands that part.


Most players dont know why they get kicked so they say i got kicked for no reason lol

Makes sense to me. If you genuinely have no idea why you would have been kicked then you would likely feel that you were not kicked for a good reason or possibly any reason at all.

Itā€™s certainly a reason though. Even if that reason is just ā€œlanded in a group with impatient people/deliberate trolls.ā€


The exception is if those 3 queued in as a pre-made party (which OPā€™s story tells us they did), then the 4th person outside of the pre-made also has to agree to kick them.

So if OPā€™s story is true, then OP voted to kick them.