Could you imagine if keys were attached to randomly generated dungeons though? Now we’re talking true chaos!
Now that would be perfect for keys for difficulty and pick your poison for affixes.
Stack em and mix and match!
Also a side note I forgot about. What happened to violet hold?
All those big bads locked away.
You are telling me we didn’t get a 3rd violet hold dungeon WITH all the void and arcane magic thrown in in a dalaran based dungeon?
Holy missed opportunity.
We got 3 rotating rares that are implied to be surviving prisoners
That just sounds like laziness to me.
Regardless of the wordsmithing… the point still stands… you’re queuing for random with random. No one is forcing anything on anyone.
Yeah the Deserter debuff needs to go or rework. Today i was in a group as tank and all the dps were really bad. I was 1st at dps since the start being tank. Only one boss left and they kicked me because the said i was pulling too many mobs and they were dying. It is not my fault if they died because their dps was too low and healer doing low heals too and they couldnt kill a big pack fast enough. So they died it is simple. I got the debuff 30 min waiting.
Debuff should not trigger if you are kicked after many bosses dead. I wasnt a ‘deserter’.-
Deserter is someone who leaves at first 5 mins of the dung. They made me a deserter because THEY kicked me. I didnt bail by myself.
So all is wrong with this debuff. They need to rework it.
Based on that context, it could be argued the random queue is forcing you with people
From my experience, it does feel like their is a hidden elo system with lfg.
I tend to get grouped with very new players more often than not. Im not complaining because I enjoy showing people the ropes. But it is an observation after thousands of dungeons.
1/5 seems to be a group that knows the whats/wheres/whys. 4/5 tend to be first time as x role, first time as y class, first time in z dungeon.
But to get back to the overall topic. This abuse tends to get hyper inflated based off 1 off situations. And when it does tend to happen multiple times, its usually at the fault of the player not taking accountability.
We’ve seen it countless times, sometimes they post the vod and it blows up their argument of innocence. Sometimes they get overly defensive and let slip what actually happens, to which it blows up their innocence.
I wish we could all agree that its not a super common problem as a lot of these posts attempt to gaslight us in believing it is. And get past that nonsense to talking about actually adjustments to the system.
You are choosing to be grouped with random people. You are not being forced to group with random people.
Kicks will happen in this situation. People that have no clue what they are doing will happen in this situation. Kicking them only ensures they will never know what they are doing while you simply not queuing or being a tad more patient means someone has a chance to improve even if just marginally.
I just healed an ara-kara heroic for a satchel with people that were ~590 and had no clue what to do with the sentries. So I just healed through the disasters and told them to cc and focus the following sentries. GG now 3 more DPS have a clue.
15 minute debuff for leaving or being kicked. Back to not having a debuff if a boss is downed. Call it a day.
You are queuing for a random dungeon. Nothing saying you have to play specifically with someone in the group of the dungeon if you don’t want them in the group, as long as the group also agree’s with the kick.
With a random party*
It is called a Random Dungeon Finder, not a Random Party Finder.
Does it find you a pre-made group of your friends, Ayukama?
Obviously not otherwise we wouldn’t be having this convo at all.
Regardless, you just failed to do this:
Does queuing up for Mythic+ also find you a group of your friends if none of them also queue?
Well since you can’t queue for mythic+ no it does not.
How about we drop the debuff to 15 mins though?
So, after the last 100 posts, we have come to the conclusion that the VtK system is working as intended in allowing groups to purge problematic players. Good job.
I can get on board with that. I do think 30 minutes is a little too long, since most dungeons can be cleared within about 5-10 minutes.
I am not forwarding edge case requests like removing it entirely or asking Blizz to police vote kicks. If I ever have it was to play devil’s advocate. I think most of us would be fine with 15 mins.
I think it would cut into these complaints as well.
It forced me with people I didn’t agree to be with! Where is my application list?!
Thats usually me tanking.
Quietly heavy sighing, picking up the extra nonsense lol.
Trying to direct and ping as best as I can in the chaos.
Tbh I’d leave the debuff for leaving during the dungeon period, but remove it from lfr where it doesn’t really serve a purpose… or modify it so it doesn’t debuff people who are saved.
Dungeons are so short. If you queue for it, you should be encouraged to stay. Not leave when the boss doesn’t drop what you want.
But yea 30 minutes is definitely overly aggressive these days.
It made sense back in the day when dungeons were 30, 45, 60 minutes long.
Now the avg dungeon is 10 minutes.
Your terms are acceptable.
Not that anything we say here really matters. I’m not convinced that anyone would really be against the debuff being lowered though.
All I know is…I just saw RedXIII do the moonwalk and I can’t stop laughing