That’s fine and all, but when Nascar or IndyCar change the rules, the teams change to fit the rules. So you need to do the same. Or just rage quit like some drivers do when the rules change.
Why do you think Old School Runescape and WoW Classic were created?
See this itself isn’t true, the original vanilla team made an April fool’s joke about a 40 instance per day cap. This itself shows how far away from the vanilla design goal the 30/day cap is.
When they took an April fool’s joke and made it MORE restrictive than that and out it live for classic.
This change also has minimal effects vs bots as their goal is gold, not character progression so they make 4 times the accounts and rotate which realm the account bot players on, keeping 100% uptime on the 4 realms by having each account do 6 hours of farming on each realm, resulting in 24/hr per realm…
This change hurts players more than botters.
You think it would be better for Feral Druids farming MCP’s to have the April Fools joke version of instance caps?
The fact this dev team even made a change that is clearly against the design goals of vanilla (with proof by the April fool’s joke) shows how much a joke the current dev team is…
they finally got serious about bots and people are still mad
Nice dodge.
They limited instance farming in Vanilla to 5 an hour as well.
You realize this change does very little to bots right?
They don’t care about character progression. So server hopping and running more accounts which all level through botting (no effort) won’t hurt them.
Heck most bot accounts are either stolen or pay with a stolen credit card so it doesn’t really cost them more either…
Yes, they limited it, to 120/day with that system.
The current system is 25% what vanilla had.
thats why blizzard made they change, they know more than you do bud
It’s unreal how many trolls have flocked to this thread. jUsT rErOLL, mEmE SpeC, and other toxicity like that. The man wants to play feral druid at the highest level, let him. Stop using the same stupid argument that the only way to play the game is to have 40 warriors raiding everything because that’s the meta and that’s how everyone should play the game.
The instance cap has gimped his ability to farm what Blizzard has inadvertently made the best feral dps weapon. People arguing that druids have 6 other days to farm don’t realize that not everyone has 7 days a week to play WoW.
Nice first post, from a Level 120 character no less.
Guys this whole thread was a blatant troll job. It was the OPs first and only post followed by a half dozen first and only post responses saying “I agree” with no additional follow up. It’s just pot stirring because people get so worked up about this. And I firmly believe that people only get worked up about it because it’s a more sympathetic case than people who can’t farm gold as ridiculously efficiently anymore, which is what people are actually bothered with.
It’s the OP posting and agreeing with himself and then swapping characters around liking his posts and others that agree with him.
you’re treating parsing as if it is the game, it isn’t. It doesn’t matter if you bring a warrior or a holy priest dps, the bosses will die. There’s nothing to brag about for having 40 warriors doing 6-10x blizzard intended dps bypassing all mechanics, after logging off for multiple days on those characters.
not for people to repeatedly farm a single item for warcraft parses. that’s for sure.
yeah only 1 person exists on the internet. it’s just OP swapping between hundreds of accounts, talking to himself. even you’re OP. one of us one of us one of us
You seem mighty defensive for a Level 120 Demon Hunter who totally randomly came upon this thread and posted a "OmG I cANt BeLIEvE HoW TroLL U All R iN ThiS ThReaD" comment as his very first post ever.
People play the game for different reasons. Who are you to tell them how to play it? Some people like to go into the raid with no prior knowledge and just get the boss down however they can… and some people like to optimize the game in every possible way. Parsing IS the game to those people. What’s wrong with that?