30 ilvls higher but not an upgrade

Cloak slot used to be part of Legion sets iirc.

Cloak was added for legion, to allow you to use 2 legendries that happened to take tier slots, but in practice it ended up allowing 2set+4set and 2 legendries in non-tier, so it was removed when tier came back.

oh ya I forgot thanks for the reminder lol.

For feral, piece for piece my AoE build sim’ed 2-3k less with the season 2 tier set.

When I upgraded the set to 437 it sim’ed for 300 dps more than my current season one tier set. So I have to completely upgrade 4 slots just to get back to where I was at the end of season one.


How about just being happy that you got an item that’s lasted you so long? Wtf is wrong with people?


Hunter forums


Well main gouge is doing more dps than outlaw 2pc lol

Its always been problematic imo when you need 2/2 of an old tier set and new set to be “meta”.

Pretty sure they need to overtune some numbers to correct that. Whole point of a new tier-set, are the bonuses being meta for thr current content.

I came back the 4 weeks of this previous season, theres no way in hell I was getting tier, prior to S2 that beats S2 tier stats.

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It’s interesting how BM and feral are two classes where the recommendation is not to upgrade until you have your 4 piece, there are circumstances where upgrading the 4 piece at all is actually questionable, and BM and feral have dropped like a rock on the DPS charts.


I think BM is getting a 5% damage boost across the board soon

Enhance sub and shadow were also in this position where the old set couldn’t be broken until you had full 4piece.

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I used my Vault 4-piece when progging Mythic Experiments, just cuz I was getting trucked by the damage there and the Aberrus 4-piece has no defensive benefit for Brewmaster.

I think shadow is in a good spot now? At least for AoE?

The big problem is when the 4 piece leaves you in a position where you have to struggle to get back to the starting line while all the other specs are running the race.

Shadows aoe is very solid and st is acceptable yes, as is enhance. My point was more that there were multiple specs struggling to move on to the new 4set and its not necessarily an indicator of poor performance.

They really need to just stop calling secondary stats “secondary” because they are in fact the primary stat people look at, with the exception of tier.

Also this tier (well 10.0.7 too) added procs that are skewing ilvl a lot as well. Another ret in my guild does around average 6k dps more than me typically on most single target fights, despite the fact that I deal more damage with abilities his increase in dps over me? he has more items and effects that proc damage just from autoattacking. (dont get me wrong he may also just be better, but on several parses my damage from spells and abilities was overall higher, and his procs (sword, annulet, belt) accounted for his higher dps)

Mine as well

Started last season and is just getting worse. It’s typical for more than half of a Brewmaster’s top damage abilities right now to be toys instead of abilities (trinkets, crafted boots, annulet, weapon procs, etc.)

It’s why they handed down that mega-nerf to Brewmasters a couple weeks ago (weapons of order nerf). Which got like zero attention, strangely.

That being said, it appears the the top 20 hunters in M Abberus parses are all using the current season tier set

The “borrowed power” aspect of the rings/trinkets/cloaks/weapon procs just so the glaring issues with some specs. That is where Blood DK gets a huge chunk of its damage from.

Then you look at the outlier that Prot Pally is and you see where some specs are just designed better. This is why it’s so hard to buff/nerf some specs because they don’t even know how they play. S3-S4 of SL Blood DK tier set + covenant ability showed that.

The gear isn’t better the set bonus is better. More main stat is always better than less main stat. Blood DK was 2-2 till you get 4 peice of the new tier.