30 Day Mail Expiration

I could buy the 30-day mail limitation two decades ago when the game first came out, but with today’s technology, it’s inexcusable. Purging my mail after 30 days with zero chance of recovery is beyond absurd.

Yes, I lost an item worth millions. Blizzard support steadfastly refuses to help. The recovery service said it was successful, but then I never got the items in my mailbox. I’m quitting the game until this is fixed. I’ve been playing ever since the game came out. I have over 20 max level characters. And I’ve had enough of this idiocy.

I’m angry because Blizzard support keeps telling me “You can use our Mail Return page to restore sent, deleted, or expired mail. You will receive the restored items in your character’s mailbox.” out one side of their mouths, but then says “You cannot restore mail if the mail has expired after staying in the mailbox for too long”. Those two statements are mutually exclusive. Either you CAN or you CANNOT restore expired mail. Pick one. Whether Blizzard will ever get another penny from me depends on your choice. I’ve had enough.

it isn’t a matter of “refuses to help”, Mugger, when the mail is purged there isn’t anything we can do. It’s gone.

The mail system isn’t intended to serve as extra storage, so a 30 day expiration makes sense, unless you are using it as a storage system. If you feel it should work differently, you’ll want to submit a suggestion to our Game Developers.

Yes and no. Expired mail isn’t necessarily purged immediately when it is deleted. If it is still around, the Mail Return system may allow you to restore it, but if it isn’t, that usually means it is simply no longer available and cannot be restored.

Again, it isn’t a choice. If the mail is still in what is considered the Deleted Inventory, the system can usually still see it and therefore you can restore it. If it is not in the Deleted Inventory that usually means that the system has purged it already and it is no longer recoverable.


I do believe the 30 day limitation is there to curb players from using the mail system for storage. Blizz has provided many forms of storage in game for us to use.


I used the mail recovery service! All the items were listed! Over 300 of them! Pages and pages! I went through and checked every item one at a time. It took me a long time to check each one. I clicked to restore. It said it was successful. I went to my mailbox and the items were not there. The next day, not there. Several days later, not there. If the items were purged as you say, why did the mail recovery system know what the items were? Why didn’t I get the items back? Honestly, i don’t even care that I’ve lost the 300 items. I only care about the one worth millions. Restore that, and I come back. If you won’t (and don’t tell me it isn’t a choice), I’m gone.

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Worth millions doesnt realy say much what item.

That is a different matter. Something we generally can look into a bit more. It seems you provided more details in that first ticket, and the Game Master only reviewed your second one.

I would agree with Darthwraith, having an idea of what you are missing would be helpful, and on which character. 300 items, one worth millions doesn’t tell us much.

Edit: Nevermind, it looks like the name of the item is in the current ticket text, though a character name would still be helpful.


My auction house character is Infernia, Horde Stormreaver.

Alright, definitely a little funky with this. Not sure why they would show up as able to be restored, we’re seeing the same thing ourselves but the expired mail seems to be past its prime, and not recoverable as it normally would be.

With that said, check your mail in a few minutes. They are finishing up with your ticket now.


I really hope OP doesn’t walk away with the impression that their positive outcome was directly attributable to their threats to quit the game otherwise, or that such tactics will bear fruit in the future.


Keep in mind they know players use the mail as storage. All that mail takes up storage space on the servers yes still 30 days i do not see that changing.

Your responsibility to get your mail before it expires

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Why wouldn’t the game master review the entire ticket history? When I get added to an email chain, I make sure to review the entire chain before responding. Wouldn’t it be best practice for a GM to fully research the history of the issue?

Certainly not… but it does seem that his posting here got the attention of the moderator who seems to have been able to poke the GM team to get a positive result.


The OP put in a new ticket. That’s what got them the result. Vrak just provided a little insight from behind the scenes.

Perhaps they did or maybe they missed something. They’re still human. Or maybe the account has many tickets attached to it. GMs don’t always have time to sift through older tickets. Now, if the OP reopened the existing ticket, then it’s likely they did look at it but might have missed the info.


Seems like he did a bit more than that, particularly when he became aware that the OP could see the item in the list.

According to the moderator, he did not:

Huh? Of course they do. Was the server going to disconnect them if they exceeded some prescribed number of minutes researching the issue? Come on, man. They just needed to do a little better.

Exactly. These things happen. Nobody’s perfect. Just need to do a little better next time. We should all be in a constant state of trying to improve our job performance, right?

Regardless of how ridiculous you sound when you attempt to judge the GM’s on the job performance here, you know the drill.

If you have suggestions for how they should do their job better, you’ll want to post those suggestions in the proper forum. General would be best. This is not a place for feedback, especially given in this manner.


No, they really don’t. Unfortunately, there are a lot more tickets now than ever before and GM resources are strained already.

That said, this isn’t the appropriate place for your feedback. If you have your own issue or you have feedback for a ticket that you have put in yourself, then you would want to either start your own thread or use the survey that gets attached to all resolved tickets to provide your feedback.

But coming here to belittle how you think a GM handled the OP’s issue is simply inappropriate.


I simply asked why the GM wouldn’t have looked at the first ticket and only look at the second ticket. I wasn’t belittling anyone. You offered a few explanations that didn’t really make much sense except for noting that GMs are human, which is probably the most likely explanation. And I agreed. Nobody’s perfect. And when we see an opportunity to improve in our work, we should all strive to get better. That you tried to twist this all around into me belittling an unknown GM… well, that’s on you. Have a nice day.

Before posting to CSF, please consider:

  • Am I assisting Mugger in any way, shape, or form?
  • Does my post lend value to, or somehow improve the situation?

Conjecture about someone else’s job performance is best left to Mugger, and in the survey he may had received.


Because they made a mistake. Pretty simple. The player should fill out the survey they get when the ticket is closed. That goes to the supervisors. That is where GM performance is discussed and gets to the right feedback chain.

I don’t really see any benefit to debating and discussing it on the forums. It is not some grand conspiracy. Someone screwed up and it will be dealt with outside of our view. That is for internal processes to handle.


Because they are human? And as often as we’re accused of using AI, we don’t, and so are prone to human error.

Going to lock this up but I will say that such threats do not allow us to do anything differently. We either can or we cannot. Even the exceptions to the rules that we have have rules that we must follow. Such threats certainly don’t draw me to look into and answer a thread.