3 small customization changes you'd like to see added?

Hit me up when SL gets out of beta :slight_smile:

It always bothered me that Whitemane can wear her hat while her long white hair is visible, but the second I put it on, BALD!!

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  1. AR customization/story for those that don’t have much of their own
  2. Agreed on Mop/WoD era glyphs, classes just felt more complete then on their own.
  3. choosing a pet’s family spec, it makes no sense for some pets which are cunning to be cunning, maybe have at least two specs most families can be in? for example a cunning/ferocity owl since they’re birds of prey.

U take your Zug hunch and you like it! Kids these days with their insistence on good posture.

If Blizzard was smart, they’d pull a Fortnite or like what other game developers do, release final games as Beta, so that way if there’s issues, bugs, or missing features that players complain about, they can simply use the excuse “it’s still in beta”.

With how complex games have become over the years and with player expectations being as high as the moon, it’s smart for devs to release games in perpetual “beta” for months on end. Maybe Blizzard needs to adopt this practice and release/push content to everyone with a beta build tag.

it would cut back on complaints dramatically as instead these angry complaints will now become docile feature requests/changes or bug reports.

  • Worgen tails and accessories (like earrings, necklaces) for both genders.
  • Tattoos/war paint for all (especially belfs and female nelfs).
  • Hide pants, please they ruin so many mogs. Or give us some simple small underwear like the Tauren heritage armor.
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they just need to simply revert the stupid and detrimental change to hunter pet families they did for BFA. It literally caused 99% of all my pets to become permanent stable pets that have not seen the light of day since BFA, including my preferred/favorite pets and a particular pet that I’ve had at my side for years (since cata).


Agreed, a lot of them don’t even make sense…wolf/owl in cunning…really?

A glyph to change the icon, tooltip, and animation of Sinister Strike back to Saber Slash.

I could only like your post once, but I swear I’d press it 10000 times if I could.

I’d also love to see more feathers in hairstyles and beards for Dwarves.

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  • Covenant Druid forms.

  • T-Mogs for M+.

I don’t have a third thing coming to mind right now. So just those two.

Allow furry vulpera to be Demon Hunters and Paladins…

Not cosmetic you say? I SAY IT IS

I’ll pick one:
Covenant-themed Legion Artifacts… or something

  1. Shared Hairstyles between Allied Races/Core Races of the same model and race. This one is pretty straight forward. There is no reason at all a Mag’har Orc’s hair cannot be cut the same an Azeroth Orc’s hair is. There is no reason a Mechagnome’s hairstyle cannot be used by a Gnome.
  1. Enable all Hair Colors for all races. Hair Dye is a thing. I can appreciate that when it comes to the texture of hairs that might be problematic, but if so, I’m willing to lose a raid tier so the devs can code in a way for someone to choose their hair color from a color wheel.

  2. Height Options. Something as simple as: very short, short, average (what we have right now), tall, and very tall. We don’t need another foot of height on our Tauren or Kul Tirans or anything, but just enough difference that when a short troll stands next to a tall troll you can tell the difference.


Nope, this is going to be the cat form for Human Druids when Blizz finally adds that as a class/race combo :smiley:

I wonder how much work this would actually be :thinking: I’d imagine making the models is a trivial thing but then they have to go and make sure every. single. piece. of gear looks how it should look in relation to the new scale.

Shouldn’t be hard in the slightest. There are private servers that have a /scale command. Items on a character scale with the character.

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I would love Worgen tails.

I would also like more boot options from all armor types that cover worgen/troll/draenei/tauren feet (like the ones I’m currently wearing).

Lastly, this is a bit bigger than just customization, but I would like to open up a lot more race/class combos, if not entirely open them up completely to allow any race/class combo. I can argue about the supposed “lore restrictions” until I’m blue in the face (and I will, don’t get me started), but there are some like Dwarves, Gnomes and Humans being Druids, and Humans and Gnomes being Shaman, that just have zero reason not to exist.

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Split beard customization for Blood Elves. Chinstrap + Van Dyke’s Mustache? = Decent looking Sin’dorei beard. Seriously, they were so lazy with male Blood Elves.

The fact that males didn’t even get any jewelry infuriates me. I think we can all agree that plenty of male belfs would wear jewelry. Why blizz???