3 small customization changes you'd like to see added?

Just like our Heritage Armor not even having boots, but slippers that look awful on the non-robe version, they probably decided that, as Blood Elves are fairly popular, they didn’t need to put in much effort.

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  1. Bring back the glyph of savage roar. I’ve often found that move quite handy, when healing on my druid, but having to switch out of bear form is a bit of an inconvenience and it was nice to see her roar without transforming - giving a more subtle demonstration of her connection to nature.
  1. Weapon sizes. Lots of weapons, while looking pretty cool, also look so unbelievably huge that it’s a wonder your character can even manage to lift them. (Though it’s not quite as unrealistic as carrying around 5 backpacks full of things everywhere they go.) In fact, I’ve often found that when I have this character wield a two-handed hammer, she constantly hits herself in the face with it when she runs.

It’s bad enough I have to unsheath my weapons in protection spec, in order to keep my character’s arms from clipping through her shield while running. (Honestly, all these clipping issues… what is wrong with you, Blizzard?!)

  1. Lose the painted on sandals for pandaren and let them wear actual boots or go barefoot.

And while you’re at it, fix the sandal models and other open-toed footwear models, so that they don’t make our characters’ toes look so hideous.

Give all the Void Elves the same hair styles as blood elves (or a voidy option of) I don’t even care about the colours, just please no more edgy widows peak crap.

Give Void Elves the same ear length options. pretty straight forward.

Give Blood Elves better beards, or scruff or something.
Look how handsome they are with scruff… LOOK!

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1- Visible Demon Hunter wings, by the love of all that’s holy, just add this as cosmetic, I don’t even care if it clips through something.

2 - Demon Hunter hooves. While this can be improvised by using Boots of the Shattered Abyss, this would be a great addition in customization.

3- Glyph for a complete black metamorphosis, similar to Illidan encouter in Black Temple or the demon hunter in Warcraft 3 Classic.

Damn, that’s a whole lot of tail in that first gif :wink:

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Three small customization requests

  1. Add more customization
  2. Add more customization
  3. Add more customization
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But how would there be a fat toon? your literally running on the toon all day he has to lose weight someday, unless you sit on your mount all day

I’d like to see more tattoo options for all races, height and weight sliders, and more facial diversity in certain races (Blood Elves and Tauren in particular)

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Fat? Wow who uses that word that absolutely disgusts me people who use words like that. Get with the times or something? Gah!

Welcome to the forums? :grimacing::heart:

Right? Fat!?! only fat people can say fat! MISOGYNY!

As a female blood elf, I disagree… fat toons in the game wouldn’t make since unless your kul’tiran which makes sense to accommodate the current culture… cant have WoW canceled can we?

  1. fat
  2. fat
  3. fat