3 small customization changes you'd like to see added?

Hide Pants. HIDE PANTS.

…More basic, unpatterned pieces in bright colors. Troll shoes.


I only have one, and it is indeed small, but pretty please bring back blue face markings for night elves. We’ve got four different greens, two of which are more-or-less indistinguishable, but no blue. Blue has always been a thing (by default with the light blue hair), so I can’t work out why they would take something away during the expansion that’s adding customizations.

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Do these count? LOL

  1. beards for troll guys
  2. Black hair color to both troll kinds
  3. Normal eye options for Zandalari.

…Also, I want green-skinned elves.

100% yes! in fact my character always doesn’t wear any pants because this mog looks 100% better without them for optimal skirt appearance:



Thumbs up for druid models! Rest I dont care, but I want everyone to be happy!

Magenta Draenei eyes.

ARs mirroring their parent race if appropriate (ie LFD tail options).

Male Orc eyebrows.

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-Hoods/cowls for Plate wearers. Along this same path, hoods/shoulder mogs that connect to cloaks to give a cowl-like look for all armor types.
-More hair options for Nightborne. The 6 or so they have is not sufficient.
-Body sliders!!! Big desire for this one. If someone wants to be a fat or muscle-bound elf, they should be able to. If they want to be a skinny KT, they should be able to. Let us have that control, please! :smiley:

  1. More warlock demon choices
  2. Hunter illusions
  3. Walk/run animations with staff like Gul’dan… Who carries a staff on their back???
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only if they include a chest slider too :>

  1. Eye Color options for DKs. Red, Blue, Unholy Green, Purple, Soul Green/Blue
  2. Hide Offhand for Offhand items. Not like offhand swords but the books, orbs and weird things that casters hold. Let me be a mage with just Felo’melorn and an empty offhand please. Or a Priest with just Xal’atath and no book.
  3. Asymmetrical/Symmetrical toggles please. I mean eyes, shoulders, etc. Like heterochromia would be awesome. Or making the maldraxxus mail shoulders symmetrical than their current asymmetrical look.

It’d also be nice if the jeweller’s eyepieces/eyepatches could get added to our transmog library at long last. Having to unequip my helm just to wear the BLUE COSMETIC ITEM so it appears on me instead of jsut transmogging the appearance is a pain. And yeah it’s a blue quality item it should be transmoggable.

  1. More glyph options. Specifically ability replacements.

Example: Transform my Rogue’s simple pistol shot into throwable kunai as illustrated here in this art piece by TamplierPainter.

  1. Scars/eyepatches that are not helm cosmetics/armor.

They’re cool, 'nuff said.

  1. Make the Warglaives of Azzinoth transmoggable by the original wielders.

Technically a cosmetic change.



I don’t get why they don’t rig a cat form with the might of grizzlemaw animations. I wouldn’t even mind that and those animations look more updated than the WOD cat form ones. But yes to this and more druid forms. I find it insulating that some races have more hair customization than druids have forms…

Ideally, it would be possible to change all parts of the body. No thin or fat person has the same body-- chest slider would be part of the overall package when I refer to a body slider functionality. :slight_smile:

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This is the one of the positives (or negatives) about a worgen… our hair/mane never disappears just because we put on a hat…


I imagine ICly that our characters tie their hair up and keep it under the helm?
But really, Arthas has long hair out of his helm while he wears it.
And Maiev has that ponytail thing for hers.

And if you use WoW Model Viewer you’ll find that the Slicked Hairstyle for Blood Elves has minimal clipping with helms. At least only as bad as other helms and hairstyles that go in game currently. So with a little tweaking they totally could make it work.

1 - Get rid of Covenants. They failed.
2 - Get rid of Soulbinds/Conduits. They failed.
3 - Get rid of the Maw / Torghast. They failed.

These are my opinions.

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This is pretty much all blizzard has to do, is just simply force assign a hairstyle for helms, so for elves for example, certain helms cause whatever their hairstyle is to become a tied back appearance, rather than them going bald with certain ones.

1-3 Get rid of cancel culture. *

Better to improve and fix the issues so they are exactly what players asked for and wanted since beta, rather than getting rid of them.