3 roaches pvp team bug abuse

I was queueing for battle pet pvp, encountered a team with 3 roaches. Killed first roach, my first pet died as well, then it started to get weird. The second roach came out and cast apopcalypse, suddenly on the next turn the turn counter went off like crazy and kept going down, and I couldn’t do anything to stop it. Within a couple of seconds the apopcalpyse hit and my second pet died. The turn counter went crazy again and apopcalypse is back up off cd. My opponent casted that again and the same thing repeated.

I’m not sure if it’s a bugged or it’s the opponent doing something dodgy, but that was 100% intentional. Has anyone else encountered that?

Also can blizzard please add a report function to pet battle pvp? there are clearly some weird stuff going on that are reportable.

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That… does sound insane.

I believe the bug where a pet swaps in and then gets to make a move is still present too. I ran into that battling Tarr in WoD today.

It’s like a lot of little things regressed with this 9.1 release. :frowning:

Just encountered another buggy team :slight_smile:
3 mechanical pets, it was really strange but the person put out his pandaren mechanical dragonling but didnt use decoy, just breaths. Then on the turn where my royal peachick is about to die and i’ve picked an action, nothing happens. It loops into waiting for opponent and my skill bar is locked, the only thing i can do is forfeit.

Pretty sure it is intentional AGAIN, coz i’ve encountered the same team twice. The first time I waited for 5 min, just hard stuck there and apparently the opponent would be waiting too. I eventually forfeited. I immediately queued again and met the same opponent straight away in less than 10 sec. I’m now doing some other rl stuff and just leave my wow running. Have been stuck in waiting for opponent for >15 min. Well if my opponent is farming for wins with these sh tty bug, i’m more than happy to do something else in the mean time and slow ur progression.

Known exploit, resulting from whatever the hell Blizzard did with pet swap mechanics with the patch. Obviously a bug, but until it gets fixed so many ways to take advantage of it.

(Pet Battle Turn Skipping Bug)