3 mil chaos bolt in blitz

wow really? got hit with a 3m chaos bolt in blitz …un real

Guarantee they all weren’t 3m. He probably had trincket, weapon, and set procs all at once. Probably stacked mastery as well.

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I get hit by 2.5-3.5 mil chaos bolts ALL the time even through a 15% DR wall its 100% way over tuned

They are 3m it can ramp up insane even wo mods

Ive been hit with um lets see

3 million glacial spikes
Ray of frosts melt me
Ice lance after ice lance while frozen hits for 3 million or more sometimes.

Should I go on about how ridiculously broken frost mages are?

ANd no way you got hit with a 3 million CB unless dude had trinket up and a potion taken while under zerker buff.

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I’ve seen glacial spikes bigger than that. If you think chaos bolt is bad, try letting a frost mage start shattering on you.

Longest cast in the game that get kicked 90% of the time unless they have pre cog.


Do you have a basic understanding of how destro warlock actually works?

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I cast a 5m bolt yesterday. Destro is blasting right now and it’s awesome.

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Wait till you find out that starsurges can also hit for 3mil with modifiers, can be spammed and are insta cast

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Meanwhile Sunfury Arcane is just… well, at least the mana cakes are nice!

sounds really chaotic for a spell powered by chaos magic.

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Destro locks are not the most op caster in the game. So not sure why you felt the need to post this lol

a lock who’s honest about their class…are my eyes deceiving me :open_mouth:

Casters should actually deal damage with their casts. Sorry you can’t kick or use one of your 20 million pseudo-interrupts.

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I have zero knowledge of destro lock but I was hit by a 3M bolt too. I was chilling in ironforge and this lock was sittin on a ledge. He would just coil inti fear into a big couple of bolts that would kill me through dp and sov.


Are you suggesting warlocks aren’t honest?

Yup but what youre not telling the people here is your victim was in greens or a fresh 80.
CB is not that strong on a fully BIS geared player unless you have every buff up with zerker and a potion going.

laughs in disc priest

I’m sorry but that’s just not true I got multiple geared toons and get hit through 15-25% walls for 2 mil plus all the time, it is 100% hitting insanely hard ATM