3 mil is nothing.
Most people are sitting around 8-9 mil healthpools.
3mil wouldn’t even break my warlocks shield lol
3 mil is nothing.
Most people are sitting around 8-9 mil healthpools.
3mil wouldn’t even break my warlocks shield lol
Its true. I got 2 geared locks and get hit by CB often on geared toons.
2 million isnt ridiculous to see but 3 million like OP said isnt normal.
2 million hit on a 4 second cast time is laughable.
Most health pools are close to 8000k now.
Many melee classes can rip off 3-4 million damage in 5 seconds now. SOrry but locks are fine.
it’s not 4 seconds more like 2 with conflag proc and thats a 2-3 mil CB ontop of pumping out insane instant cast damage weaved into it while having the highest HP pool in the game and never-ending CC they could do with a little pruning imo
Why haven’ti been hit with one even remotely that hard? Is it because DK?
just got 1 shotted by a hunter in a bg. literally 1 shot from them and i exploded. over 3 mil hp.
Caster was as surprised are you were! (high end of the high end)
Uh huh. Its the longest cast in game and if you as a DK have trouble witha lock its a L2P issue.
Your 100% uptime and all that CC with magic immunity and crazy damage. Nice try
It’s a 3 second base cast brought down to 2.5 seconds when talented into Imp. Chaos Bolt, and further reduced by 30% by Backdraft. And that’s before haste.
I have no stake in the greater argument, but there’s no reason to exaggerate. Destro can pump out very fast Chaos Bolts right now. It’s very much not some lengthy cast.
It’s a decent cast time with no procs. The really quick ones people are seeing come from Reverse Entropy procs and Ritual of Ruin.
But Entropy is random and Ritual of Ruin requires you to spend 15 soul shards before it procs. Most locks pool shards, proc ruin, and then fire off multiple bolts in quick succession.
Locks cant pump out any faster than most other classes. SOme can do much more and faster damage with 100% uptime.
Locks are fine. Chaos Bolt is fine
Lots of things hit this hard.