3 Derby Mark, for Fishing derby that is once per account & only once per week!

So the rare cooking recipes are 10 marks, and if they gave you 25 on hand in, you could get at least 2-3 recipes. Which is two-three recipes that are selling for 20-75k each. (I already trained all the recipes thankfully. Get in early and get your benefits often.)

The wiser choice would have made the recipes cost more marks - instead they made the hand for the derby in less marks, and you fish up one mark about every 6-8 casts instead of 3-5 casts.

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Blizzard needs to hire more qualified people to handle the game. This change is inexcusable.

It would take 167 Weeks of 3 Tokens per Weekly to get the 500 Mark Ensemble.


I just went and caught it now so i wont feel i have to bother next week, I was at like 320 with skills and buffs i had, so wasnt too bad

what is worse they could have easily tested this internally first


well i went with my 175 alt fishing before the changed and lvled it to 180 and saw the quest unless this was changed for the warband then we need info

The buff only applies to the first character you accept the quest from. Others will get it, but it doesn’t give you the marks or trophy fish, from what I’ve seen so far. So pick your best fisher, you get an hour on them to do the derby.

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1/8 of the rewards for the same time. Wth?


you can see the quest but you still can’t get the buff on alts (that part is bugged).


It’s meant to only be per one character per week.

They changed that.


Oh? So now it’s any character?

look under the blue post for hotfixes on the 19th - can’t link on the device I am using

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To start, I do agree that it was too much of a nerf

However, everyone here is missing that by being able to do the quest on multiple characters now, you can get the equivalent number of marks on just your second toon. You are forgetting that you get a mark for each unique fish you catch. As long as you catch each fish available once, you will hit the same number of marks as you could previously on your second toon.

That being said, it overly punished people with limited time or who aren’t playing multiple toons. Something like 10 from the quest would be more reasonable

I got 1 fishing out of some pool with boxes.

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if lucky you can get 3 and some mogs and darkmoon cards


Oh neat lol

I was like “whats this?”

But wait… didn’t Blizzard want to respect our time?

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Well I just leveled my fishing on second toon to do the quest…and it turns out you don’t get the buff to acquire marks per unique fish on a second toon. So, this nerf is EXTREMELY harsh


Least Blizzard could do is clarify if this change is intended or not, but they’re not even doing that

The hotfixes make it plain that we’re supposed to be able to participate in the Derby with multiple characters now, but it sounds like that’s not actually working correctly at the moment. Of course, the change from 25 to 3 marks went off without a hitch. Nobody’s surprised there. But if it ever gets fixed, the reduction was meant to go along with being able to do it on alts as well instead of just one character per week.