3 days early access for 90$ (community discussion and poll)

Considering the comments you make about the magic of launch night I’m guessing you weren’t there.

Original launch: lag. Lag. Lag. Servers down!! Everyone trying to tag the same level 1 spider in the night elf starting area. Confusion as to why my hunter doesn’t have a bow or a pet.

Wrath: lag. Crashes. Server queues.

Wod: lag. Crashes. Server queues.

More recently DF: lag. Crashes. Server queues. The alliance boat not working. Then the portal to fix the alliance boat not working. Only to just send your alliance character over to orgrimmar because the horde boat was working.

Overall I feel like there is a metric ton of people clutching their FOMO pearls under the banner of patriotism I mean concern for the future of the playerbase when really it speaks to some psychological issue of them instead. All the posts have this energy of getting picked last for dodgeball.

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And yet, many many many of us were there every time, no matter how bad the previous one went.

It’s delusional to not think launch time matters to a large portion of the playerbase when you have 20 years of history proving you wrong.

I have capped bnet balance, extra tokens and millions of WoW gold. I’m not going to be left out of anything, I just can see past my own little bubble and understand why it’s a disgusting practice that should be criticized.

Why are so many people easy marks for corporate nonsense?

If they gave it to all players there would be 0 point in giving it at all.

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The lag is an issue but that doesn’t make the memories invalid, Thats all part of the experience. All your commentary shows is your lack of patience.

The devs have explicitly said this will not be the case, the “a little bit faster” promise was referring to past expansions that had a year or more of dead time between the last patch and the next expansion.

Not buying it. I will buy the base version if something announced in the interim compels me to play the Xpac. Don’t know enough about it right now to commit.

Bought it
I always buy there stuff

I didn’t buy it for early access, I bought it because I had 2 million gold which was more than enough to get the epic edition via tokens, so I thought “may as well get all the goodies.”

Would have done it if early access wasn’t a perk too.

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With the amount of people saying they purchased the Super Duper Ultimate Deluxe Edition I’m guessing we can look forward to much more egregious versions of this in the future and likely across all Blizzard IPs not just WOW.

When this gets to the point that even you feel bad about it then remember to thank yourself :slight_smile:

I’ve never seen so many people upset by a minor purchase in my life. Do you stand at the grocery store and call people idiots for buying name brand instead of store brand stuff, too?

Terrible comparison. Unless you’re claiming name brand buyers get to eat 3 days before everyone else.

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I Don’t Care.

It probably does provide an advantage to the goblins who want to race to level cap and corner the market but those peeps have always had an advantage over slower players like me :slight_smile:

I’ll end up buying that edition for the other stuff included so will have the 3 days and will still be behind enjoying leveling and exploring.

Its really not that big a deal and/or early access for money has become so common I just accept it now.

I used to rage against microtransactions among other things like people giving away their privacy on the internet for a few shinies but the fight is lost.
Now I buy store mounts each Xmas when they are on sale and pick up 6 month/12 month deals and just roll with it.

If it’s that important, buy the epic edition. If it’s not, don’t. What am I missing here?

My issue with this is that it’s basically a preview not the end result. Blizzard is not interested in just taking 3 days from anyone that doesn’t pay $100 bucks… Once they get the metrics on this it will lead to more aggressive tactics and until people realize that they will essentially be that small percentage of people that ruin it for everyone else.

Just wait until you have to start paying for patches in the store as “Content packs”.

That’s the slippery-est slippery slope I’ve seen in a long time. You usually only see that kinda leap in partisan political rants.


That splitting the playerbase on launch day, including splitting up friend groups in order to make an extra buck is a disgusting business practice.

You’re missing that in a 20 year history of numerous releases they’ve never had paid early access before and that we don’t want them to start now.

Then start when your friends do? Again, if it’s important to you, just make sure everyone is on the same page. And, having been present for every content drop since the beginning, I think splitting the player base is a great idea, and will improve enjoyment all around.

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Or, and stay with me here, Blizzard could just do what they’ve always done for 20 years and not try to capitalize and prey on their own players via FOMO to up their numbers?

His point is actually already strongly supported by data.

D4 did early access for the first time in that franchise’s history.

They did it for two packs, the middle and most expensive. The data and success of the increase in people buying those packs over the base pack has resulted in an escalation of that practice in WoW where it is now being used to push the most expensive pack exclusively.

Go take a look at ESO and while you’re there buy a pair of cleats.

the 3 day early access wont matter, my prediction ( and it wont age well) is that half of the time the servers will be down during that period