3 days early access for 90$ (community discussion and poll)

I actually didn’t claim that I had Blizzard’s sales data. It’s a discussion forum and a sane person would easily have understood without needing to be told that I was basing what I said on observing Blizzard’s actions.

You had no useful point to make so you just kept spamming where’s the data as if that was making a useful point.

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I think you’re confused. Very confused. You don’t even seem to understand what I’m saying, as you’re lecturing me on your critical thinking abilities.

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No my point was that the argument you presented as fact and insisted the evidence supported, is in fact just your hypothesis and your proof of your hypothesis being true is that your hypothesis is true.

“Based on the evidence and my observations of Blizzard, my hypothesis is that most people who buy the epic edition will do so because of the early access, my proof is that Blizzard wouldn’t have done it if most people wouldn’t buy it for the early access”

That’s not sound logically, that’s not critical thinking, that’s not the only “sane” way to think. You are using the observations that drove your hypothesis to prove your hypothesis. That’s not how that works.


I think more accurately is that the inclusion of early access will increase the overall sales numbers as some people will feel inclined to purchase it due to the early access. I don’t think anyone actually thinks all people buying the epic edition are doing it solely for the purpose of the early access, however there is people that are and this is as stated an overall increased in sales and hence why they are doing it. Because it’s a successful way of increasing sales.



Blizzard clearly does have data on how effective early access is as a sales tool because they literally just did an experiment with it with Diablo 4. As I mentioned they did this with the middle and expensive pack. If it wasn’t successful in driving sales they wouldn’t risk alienating people by abandoning a 20 year precedent of letting all WoW players start at the same time.

Also, FOMO is a frequently used psychological tactic in selling people things. I don’t need to cite research to know that it’s true, but you can go do your own research project if you’re skeptical.

Anyway, you’re boring me, maybe see everyone tomorrow when the thread is randomly bumped again by someone who thinks everyone is just buying the last edition for a mount or pet half the people who are buying it have never even bothered to look at.


Cool, now go back and read the poster I’ve been responding to that claimed that a vast majority of $90 pack sales would be due to the early access only. They didn’t say it would simply increase sales a bit, they said:





And there’s very little room to interpret this as anything other than saying

*an overwhelming majority of the people buying the epic edition are doing it solely for the purpose of the early access

And there is zero evidence or data or proof of any kind to support that notion, yet it’s still being presented as a fact

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That person assertion is likely inaccurate, but not fully wrong. I think the bigger piece of the pie would be beta access then 3 days early access personally. Although, I do think most people who are serious about the game will likely get the bigger package because of the 3 days early access. That said that specific demographic would of found a reason to purchase it anyways.

Yeah so I’m trying to figure out where the evidence is to support their assertion that most people buying the epic edition are doing so because of the early access

People have been buying the most expensive edition for years

An increase in sales due to the inclusion of early access is not unreasonable to expect

Expecting that an overwhelming majority of people who buy the epic edition are doing so exclusively because of early access with no care of the cosmetics is outrageous

If 100k (made up number to illustrate a point) people bought the epic DF package for the cosmetics and without early access, do we think even 100k additional people are going to buy the epic War Within package exclusively for the early access? For a total of 200k buying the epic edition? Let alone significantly more than 100k additional epic additions on top of the DF numbers? Because that was the assertion I was arguing against.

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I never buy the most expensive version of an expansion. Only way I’d do it if I’d buy it physical which I won’t do lol. It blows that I have to wait 3 days to just because I don’t feel like paying up.

Difficult to know the specific effects without having the actual data, I do not think it’s outside the realm of possibility that there is a significant increase in sales due to early access. MMo’s are largely a competitive environment and while the 3 days early access has everything closed up it still allows one to level which means on the actual release they get to hit the ground running into the content that is important to them, and those who didn’t buy the package will be slightly behind on that curve. It doesn’t really matter if that advantage only lasts a day as a lot of people will do anything for just a .000001% advantage over anyone. (made up number)

Great, I think we’re on the same page now, don’t ever lecture me about critical thinking again

I will if you get hung up on the “Data” over some generalization that there is data that exists being used to create a marketing strategy. It’s absurd to think otherwise, they have a marketing analytics team for a reason and it’s not to sit around doing nothing.


It took you over an hour just to comprehend what I was saying, and then you agreed with me when you figure it out. You’re not the one.

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How do you figure? My entire issue with your statements has been your assertion that there is no data. Rather the person you was communicating with was considering the data accurately or not is invalid to that point. The data exists, it can’t be provided, but assumptions can be made with some basic critical thinking skills. That assumption is that the 3 days early access -as- I stated multiple times is at some level profitable versus not having it.


I’m glad other people saw this too. I pay by the year, so I subtract whatever it is ($13?) from the total just for the game time, meaning I’m really only paying about $7 more for the epic and that’s a fine price for the toy pet and the bouncy sandbox toy anyhow. (The bouncy sandbox toy is even better than I thought it would be, with two speeds of bounce and you can call lightning on it. :joy: It has only a 3min cooldown to recast it and also looks like it can be shared with others, like the consumable ones from the DMF, which makes it a great raid toy.)

So for me, the 3 days is icing on the cake. It will be nice to play a tad early and have things be a tad less crowded, but it’s not why I’m buying the epic edition.

See here’s the problem

I never asserted that there was no data, in general, behind decisions Blizzard makes

What I said was “show me the data that says an overwhelming majority of people who purchase the epic edition will do so exclusively because of early access without caring about cosmetics

That was the claim I was refuting. Not the idea that Blizzard has some kind of data they used to think including the early access will increase sales to some (yet unknown) degree.


Thats more of a problem with the new way of the forums, difficult to read the entire conversation when the thread scrolls for days. tbh I miss pages was easier to keep track of things. I only specifically saw you repeating “Where’s the data” which rubbed me wrong. Circular arguments with no advancement is an easy way to frustrate me.

I think it’s disgusting, but it’s so commonplace that I’m not even upset by it, just disappointed.

But they won’t be getting my money with that kind of shenanigans. Boohoo I didn’t get in on the expansion on day negative 3. These days I don’t usually even start an expansion until the second or so major patch anyway, so it doesn’t affect me.

Funny thing is, there isn’t even a guarantee they will get those 3 days. If there is downtime at all they will lose some of that time. For example lets say the expansion has major issues and is failing to work in the database for some reason and it takes multiple days of 8 hour maintence periods. Some people may not even get to experience any of those 3 days early access times because it will be down when they are able to play and only up when sleeping or at work.

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I was going to come up with something true to the snark of my personality, but ultimately it would have just come down to saying you’re right and there’s a history to back that up.

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