3 day early access for The War Within expansion if you buy $90 epic edition

the story of the next three expansions is 1:1 the last three ffxiv expansions but with a little gw2 and swtor thrown in.

Like EXACTLY the same.

Can you get honor and honor gear or is that locked?

Beats me. Nor do I care. I let people who do PvP pay attention to PvP.

Pretty sure you can. Pretty sure that getting to max level and being able to get pvp gear before others can even play is an advantage.

So what? PvPers are always complaining about how unfair something is.

“He had better gear than me so it wasn’t fair.”

“His class was better than mine so it wasn’t fair.”

“He had lower ping so it wasn’t fair.”

“His team had more healers so it wasn’t fair.”

“The map wasn’t fair.”

“The queue wasn’t fair.”

“They had a premade, it wasn’t fair.” (doesn’t matter if they actually had a premade or not)

ANYTHING to avoid the ultimate truth:
“He was better at the game than me, it wasn’t fair.”

Should include Midnight Sun and Last Titan

Specially allowing us dragonriding through cardboard Silvermoon ad Exodar

pvp might be locked out till the season starts

So the truth comes out. You dont care about people being able to pay for an advantage. I for one can’t wait to quest with warmode on day 4 when only to get one tapped by some max level player in full pvp gear who just no lifed the EA period. What a fun gaming experience. Maybe if you keep defending the indefensible Blizzard will send you a cash shop pet or something.

Typically conquest is. Not honor gear.

I don’t care about constant whiners who are always whining about something, no matter how trivial it is.

If Blizzard caved in tomorrow and removed early access, you’ve move on to Something Else To Complain About.

People are sick of it. People are sick of the constant whining about everything. Nobody gives a damn what the constant complainers are complaining about, because everybody at this point has seen through their crap.

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Alright elitist…$40 in this economy IS something. Don’t hate poor people yo.

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People are sick of it which is why player numbers are at an all time low and monetization is at an all time high. I complain because I want things with the game to improve. People who continue to play defense for every greedy call Blizzard makes are how we got Diablo Immortal and OW2. This decision to sell early access to the game adds nothing for the player and does nothing to help the health of the game.

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The economy’s really good right now, unemployment is low and wages are growing.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Ok MSNBC’er wow. “Say you are completely ignorant of the world and everything around you without actually sayin it”… I have an island to sell you in Oklahoma btw.


Sorry that you don’t like facts.

Oof, this take explains a lot. I hope you improve some day. You know, like mentally.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: credit card debit is up, savings is down… average house payments have increased by $400/month. Wages haven’t kept up with Bidenomics inflation…


No question that banning AirBnB nationwide would help a lot of people.

Prices are literally up 40% from just 3 years ago. 70% of the County is living paycheck to paycheck. The economy is HORRIBLE We have had negative growth for two terms in a row so we are in a RECESSION right now. You are so ill informed.


i’m disappointed in my community today because i see players defending this i want the game to rename fair to all and i would like us all to be on the same with our journeys it’s not about the money they get all mine regardless i’m a gamer after all but as one who get in the d4 early access i have regrets and the world was very entry for those 3 days so much so i felt like i have a lesser experience

so yeah plz dont let this come to wow