3 day early access for The War Within expansion if you buy $90 epic edition

Even weekly quests won’t be available.

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It will be just 3 days of sitting at max with nothing to do pretty much. Don’t know why people are complaining though about 3 days of early access to the expansion.


Unfortunately it is true, I just looked it up on the preorder page.

Early Access in WoW is not something I want to see. I purchase physical collector’s editions, so this doesn’t affect me. But why would they want to alienate the player base at all? Pay walling at the start of the expansion is really gross. Does the C-Suite not have enough yachts?

Welcome to the forums. Ppl here trying to get CE (Complaining Edge) and AotC (Ahead of the Complain). Not a single good reason given besides “cause I dont like it” ZzZzZ


I wish the forums had an achievement for this.

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It might help with the server load if people can get done with the first couple of zones before the mass casual audience gets access.

I am getting the epic edition anyways. Its only 6 wow tokens.

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The point is “What if the mount/gear is crafted by unlocking a recipe?”
If my goal is to play the market/goblin game, I wouldn’t care for the mount, but to get the recipe and sell the mount first. Not saying what is right or wrong, just that earlier access is a probably a big advantage for this.

Ppl still gonna need to get mats from M+/Raid to craft the “good” gear, so you still got plenty of time to get your rep. I am so bad with the AH that even if I tried to do the 3 days “advantage” to make gold, I am sure a skilled or experienced goblin will trample me even a week after I start looking for mats lol

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Wife wants it, I buy it.
Can’t let her have 3 day advantage on me.
So I buy two.

I have heard this for nearly 15 years, when they added the cashshop. Still waiting for this to happen.

What advantage? There isn’t anything available in those 3 days that creates any kind of insurmountable advantage.

Weird. Because players who buy the epic version, won’t level the same way everyone else will?

Beta access and early access are 2 different things.

If two people are running the same race but one gets a 3 minute head start is it fair? They both have to run the same distance, right?

Might actually help with bugs and stuff if the intent is to have servers up 3 days before. These players will probably help to fix some last minute issues.

It’s not a big deal.

If there’s a gate after the first hundred yards that doesn’t open until 2 weeks later, yes.

Are you ignoring that the race was not fair to begin with. The dude you are “competing” against, has been on pd’s the entire time.

Because, spoiler, the “top end” players that are getting such a huge “advantage” already have hundreds of millions of gold saved up, people writing secret wa’s, are account sharing, split running and exploiting.

But yeah, that 3 days is what makes or breaks this.

So they still get 100 yard head start. Cool.

No, because they’ll both be sitting there at a hundred yards into the race for two weeks.

Do you honestly believe theres not going to be ANY advantage to having a 3 day head start? Like nothing at all? Come on, dude.


And I say this as somebody who used to take time off for launches, but I don’t anymore because there’s really no benefit to doing so. I inevitably just ended up logging off and playing something else.