3 day early access for The War Within expansion if you buy $90 epic edition

What is “unfair” about some people looking around for 3 days ahead of everyone else?

Nothing that matters will even be open.

Yeah, and if all those dang millennials would just stop eating that avocado toast!

He once mentioned he lives in California so take that info as anything you think of

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Its coming and its going to get worse.

3 days early access is not truly early access. You are paying an extra $40 to play the expansion on time, and if you choose not to you are late to the party. Those 3 days are a huge feels-bad moment when you have to sit and watch people having fun on the new content from the couch, and Blizzard obviously knows that so they are fine charging $40 for it. Absolutely despicably greedy.

I’d love to know how many people complaining about this will still purchase it. Stop blaming M$. Blizz knows you people better than you know yourselves.

Who in the world thought Microsoft would “save us”?
Microsoft? MICROSOFT? Did I fall into a coma and miss ten years of MS PR or something that ANYONE would think of MICROSOFT of all companies on earth as pro-consumer? The very same people turning all their software, and looking into turning windows itself, into a subscription service?

what is going to be funny if they remove the 3 day early thing some of the posters who hate that will buy the epic edition

In all honesty i see the point. But i already got it and im fine with it i mean we still have a year. And with me i like 3 days earlier for wow since i work and have a life that gives me time to not feel left behind.

As I’ve said in other threads about this topic, I think it’s yet another great reward for those of us that buy the top edition of the game we love and enjoy, not to mention no one is actually limited from not buying it and having the early access as well as everyone else so across the board it’s a win, win for all who actually want it.


People made millions of gold with profession swapping and getting to max level within a few hours and so controlled the economy.

People abused dirt digging at the start of DF and made millions of gold from that in just a day.

People farmed wrathion rep and got the same stuff.

By starting early you give people insane advantage in every possible way ( yes bug abusing as we all know the thing Exploit early, exploit often )

Plus all this ruins mmo experience and playing together with friends is the best what expansion start has to offer.

I mean you still get all the goodies from the epic edition, besides early access

while true its would be hypocritical for the epic edition hates to get the 3 days removed and buys the epic edition hrs later

I didn’t buy the epic edition for the access, i bought it for everything else. I might get to play it early, but highly doubt it

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I did the math for the epic edition of war within ($90) and the blizzcon collection legendary pack ($50) and the annual subscription is up for renewal this month or next (currently $155.88)………

Basically blizzard is asking for a lot of money to play the game in my humble opinion

Well, I’ll show you the week of log in issues with DF and you’ll say man I am glad they have 3 days early access to spread out the logging in now.

i doubt its microsoft’s fault.

if they’re going to add early access for pre-purchasing the higher tier, they could give you at least alpha-build early access…

Launch day is one of the most special times in WoW. It’s a shame they’re throwing that away.

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You do know we’ll all be using the same login server?

Like, people that didn’t pay for the early access are still probably going to login to the game. They just won’t be in the new zones. So the shared login server isn’t going to be any less used because of this early access.

I don’t know precisely how they split up the zones – whether or not different zones have different machines, etc. – but I’d wager that even if that’s the case, they’re hitting shared resources.

The problem with giving 3 days early access to an expansion of an MMO is there is an AH and it gives people an advantage over everyone all because you have extra money that some don’t

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