3 day early access for The War Within expansion if you buy $90 epic edition

Yeah that’s not how you do progression at all. Nobody cares about rep gear cause its bad for the amount it takes to get it. So where is the advantage? Someone will get a pretty mount before I do?

Smoother launch and less crowded lvling zones. It’s annoying to wait for an elite respawn for a quest with 20ppl camping the thing. Also, full HC and max lvl can be done in the first 2 weeks, without too much effort. If you struggle to get HC gear, you are not gonna do amazing for CE or KSH

I thought the important part was the shared experience.

So rather than Blizzard making a better leveling experience we should just give them more money. There’s no valid reason for this outside of greed. They could sell m+ gear in the cash shop and people would defend it at this point though, so I’m not surprised.

Being able to get fully geared from heroic dungeons won’t even impact how fast a guild is able to clear the raid on normal.

The fact that you even suggest heroic dungeon gearing being meaningful with an extra 3 days is laughable on its face.

Heroic dungeons are spammable.

As somebody who’s taken time off at expansion start, just to sit around with nothing to do, I can tell you, for a fact, that 3 days of extra time gives no advantage.

Unless you just want to look around. Which is what it’s for.

Lvling is fine, it just becomes a bit crowded. You dont have to give them money if you enjoy the crowd, and you dont have to go to the crowds and do your own lvling experience. And no, ppl will complain if they sell M+ gear on the shop cause its competitive content and not meant for everyone to get.

Yeah, good point. They should just start selling gear in the cash shop next because like, whatever. You can get it in game if you just play, right? Paying for an advantage is no big deal. Putting in time and effort to earn it is kinda secondary.

3 days early access is no advantage to anyone that does competitive content. a lot of competitive players keep mentioning. idk why you keep using that argument.

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Okay cool. No need to sell early access then. Everything is fine as is.

I’m sure EVERY player who does competitive content is going to pay for it though :wink: For no reason I’m sure.

This adds nothing positive to the game. This is a totally greedy move by Blizzard. You have to know this and it’s only going to get worse if you give them a pass here.

Only 4 ppl in my raid group of 20 will pay for the $90. And they are doing it cause A) they can and its their money B) they want the goodies.

I thought you would save me. I’m still waiting.

You’d be wrong. I won’t be.

You guys are FOMOing for stuff that you think matters, and the people that actually worry about every advantage they can get are telling you that it doesn’t matter.

The only thing I can even think of that I can possibly care about is an extra 3 days to get all my WAs in order.

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I’m still waiting for anyone to tell me how this is good for players in any way and isn’t motivated by pure greed. The last thing wow needs is more monetization.

Because M0 won’t be available.
M+ won’t be available.
LFR won’t be available.
Normal and Heroic raids won’t be available.
Mythic raids won’t be available.


That’s a separate discussion if you have a problem with capitalism.

Why doesn’t Blizzard just make monthly subs $5? Why are they so greedy?

It’s literally just them trying to spread out the launch a bit so it’s slightly less server chug out the gate. Not much of a special edition perk, no one REALLY cares about 3 days in a game where the important bits are delayed like 2-3 weeks anyway, but it’s still good for them to spread out the days and times people will be entering the new expansion.

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It’s three days to look around without the nagging “i should really be doing dungeons…” feeling.

What prep is needed? I did a full m0 tour in dragonflight on my 305 outlaw rogue (full shadowlands gear, nothing replaced) when DF launched and that dropped like 370 or 380 something gear