3 day early access for The War Within expansion if you buy $90 epic edition

It’s a big deal for gatherers looking to capitalize on early demand.


I’m quite sure there will be so much whining about that, that Blizzard will deactivate professions during early access.

Yeah, no. This is silly. You want to sell mounts or whatever that’s fine. Selling access to an expansion early that has competitive, group based end game content is shady and greedy. It’s also just crappy for people who don’t have that kinda money. Defending this practice does NOTHING to help players and this over monetization is only going to get worse. Microsoft and Blizzard doesn’t need more of our money to make this game, as low effort as it’s been lately.

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You must be new.

Mist of Pandara pre-order gave garantee’d Beta Access.


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None of the competitive, group based end content will be available during early access.


Beta access is not early access and you know it.

These people are hilarious.

It’ll be months, maybe even a year, before we’d see any effect of MS’s ownership in WoW.

Maybe a faster time table for things like gamepass, but not for things in the game itself.

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It’s easy to put an MS person on a stage.

It’s not so easy to change ongoing development

Yeah, but you’ll be able to better prepare for it and you know it. They can level themselves, professions, relevant rep and gear up to be ready for it. More importantly, how does this add to the game in any positive way? Why defend this? WoW has had the same expansion launch experience forever but lets break it up into a two tiered system so they can make more money.


I have 2 weeks to prepare for raiding and m+, as always. 3 days mean nothing to my progression or my guilds prog.

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What I know is that I don’t even take time off work anymore because of how irrelevant the first couple weeks of an expansion are, and how little there is to do.

Takes less than a day.

Takes very little time.

Rep is irrelevant to competitive play.

Certain endgame features, including Mythic dungeons and weekly quests, not available during Early Access.


But if you already bought the Heroic edition, the Epic edition is, as usual, practically free anyway due to the included game time :man_shrugging: This is actually value-added over the last two Epic editions.

Same with the rep situation. The earlier you get access/figure out things (or exploits), the bigger is the advantage over the other players

But they aren’t and never have been. I couldn’t even get on the boat to dragon flight for most of day 1. Did you wait for me? No? Did it matter? Also no.

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I’m still not being sold on how someone exploiting something that may or may not exist for an item that is around normal raid quality is a huge advantage that requires me as a Mythic raider to throw down more money.

Please. There is an beta. Everything will be explored, sorted, and have detailed guides long before the expansion even releases. Getting upset over 3 days is manufactured outrage.

And remember, launches suck. Those 3 days are going to be filled with crashes, restarts and bugs. Are you really that upset?

The people doing this are also account sharing to farm ap, selling carries to make 300 million gold for the race and doing split runs on 6-8 characters.

Pretty sure it won’t impact anyone posting here.

Can they maybe get completely geared through HEROIC DUNGEONS before other people can even play? Do you think the max level people with a full set of gear might be more ready to jump right into mythics before the people just logging in for the first time? I notice you refuse to even engage with my question about how this adds anything positive to the game or is worth defending.

People playing more is different than people paying more.