3 day early access for The War Within expansion if you buy $90 epic edition

I will be ordering the epic edition.

A boost = $60. Youā€™re getting the game, a new mount / pet / tmog / lvl 70 boost and 3 days early access for $90. You would be nuts not to order the epic editionā€¦

Iā€™m not a fan of early access, however having 3 extra days to level with how the launch is released in the first few weeks with M+ and what not being delayed I donā€™t think its that big of a deal.

dont tell me what i throught, my throughts are my own! (ā•ÆĀ°ā–”Ā°)ā•Æļøµ ā”»ā”ā”»
:beverage_box: :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

I already imagine the max level people camping fresh 70ā€™s in warmode too and ofc being ā€˜pvp gearedā€™ earlier. Doesnā€™t look good.

I learned a hard lesson pre-purchasing Diablo IV for early access. Never again for a Blizzard game. They released an unfinished game and knew it.

Iā€™m enjoying the current expansion but still remember how rough BFA and Shadolwands kicked off.


No one cares about cosmetic trash. They care about a tangible in game advantage.

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haha lol. I would bet good money that most of the folks crying about the ā€œtangibleā€ advantages wonā€™t be doing anything particularly grand or notable during the first week or two anyway, and just want to find a soap box to moan on.

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People like you are why modern gaming is awful. WoW expansion launches are supposed to be a rare full reset where people get to experience new content together.

ā€œMy last argument didnā€™t work, so let me make something up.ā€

You do know this was probably decided before the official take over by Microsoft

Except by Day Two all the people who fall behind will already fall behind again.

The ā€œwe need a level playing field fresh startā€ nonsense thinking is exactly why the game has 200 dead servers right now, because during Wrath people kept clamoring for Fresh Servers even though the gameā€™s population had stopped growing.

And in every case, the people calling for Fresh Servers who werenā€™t #1 before, immediately were not #1 on the fresh servers, either.

Three days of early access - without Mythic dungeons or weekly quests, mind you - is fine. Itā€™s three days to look around without any pressure, maybe level an alt.

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Its only going to get worse with each new game/expansion. Theyve creeped up the monetization practices the last 3 expansions.

Theyre not going back. It is GOING to keep getting worse.


ALREADY bought it. The early access is not what I am after. is the mount I am after and game time and level boost

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Going to join the angry chorus here.

Not a fan of this.

Iā€™ve had no problem with the heroic and epic editions existing for the purposes of having cosmetic items.

However, the epic edition providing early access to the expansion just puts pressure on people to shell out more money if they want to play the game asap.


Its a great idea. People pay to be the Beta testers and iron out the bugs for the rest of us.

Im ok with this.

Iā€™m not sure that paygating is necessarily the best way to go about it but splitting up incoming players to even out server load is a net positive for everybody. More playtime, fewer server hiccups.

From my view the primary driver of the desire for fresh servers is the playerbaseā€™s bad habit of burning through everything available as quickly as possible. Leveling alts in an emptied out world is unfulfilling, but itā€™s inevitable when everybodyā€™s goal is to be raid ready and idling in CURRENT_HUB_CITY yesterday. Similar principles apply to endgame progression.

Yeah agreed, people keep bringing up the competition part of leveling and gearing sooner but I donā€™t think any of that actually matters to the overwhelming majority of players.

But the community that springs up around leveling, doing events and dungeons together in early days of an expansion are one of the reasons so many people play on release and then fizzle out later. Itā€™s when WoW feels its most social without having to try.

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Gonna add my voice in to others who donā€™t like this. I donā€™t mind the beta being included. But really not a fan of having two different launch dates based on when you play, this is an MMO and there is something nice about the shared experience of launch, kinda messed up to add that in.

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It doesnā€™t even matter to the minority of players that do the competitive content.

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