3 day early access for The War Within expansion if you buy $90 epic edition

Did you get in Shadowlands early as a vulpera DK?

Did you get in broken isles early as a demon hunter?

Did you get in waking shores early as an Evoker?


D4 was not an MMORPG

Phil Spencer was actually on stage in BlizzCon today.

Did you play Evoker in a new Dragonflight zone early? Why yes, yes you did.

Why yes, yes we did. The starting zone involved Vault of the Wardens, which shockingly, is in the Broken Isles.

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Doesn’t mean they changed any plans last minute. To think that is juvenile.

Great that you don’t feel the pressure. Others will. People should have spreadsheets on what to craft first by the time raid/mythic+ comes out, which means those 3 extra days will bring in a lot of the business (so to speak), provided they follow DF’s crafting tree.

Think about it: Will you order an item from Average Joe has 3 things unlocked, or from Average Joe who has 6 things unlocked?

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Oh so I could get to level 70 early in forbidden reach before the expansion launched didn’t know that

Where’s the videos of level 98 demon hunters in broken isles content, with their artifacts in hand


You’re arguing semantics.

Early Access has been a thing multiple times now.

Be quiet and accept it.

The difference between those is those who played them early didn’t actually do the content

This 3 day early access let’s the rushers get ahead of the AH market

You don’t understand that different


Has it ever been a thing for WoW though?

I believe this is the first time

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The 3 day early access folks will be the Beta+ crowd. The ones experiencing and reporting bugs so that for the “real” launch hopefully it’ll run smooth.
I don’t see the bright side to pay for early access (beta testing 2.0)

I very much do, I just don’t care.

Stop using how other people play to gauge your enjoyment.

You have almost an entire year to save up an extra $30 if you want the epic edition.

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im not saying its ok, it 100% should just be pre-order and not the super edition, im just saying… it was not Microsoft.

Stop being poor lol

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All I’ll say on this matter is if I buy this expansion it won’t be for the three days of early access.


Same i couldnt care less about 3 days early access but i would like the pet and 1 k tender


How are they copying XIV? Square Enix doesn’t lock early access behind their most expensive edition. It’s available to anyone who pre-orders any edition of the game. Early Access is considered as the unofficial launch of an expansion.

Preordering and getting early access

I’ll be pre-ordering, but not for the 3 day early access or Beta. Everything else, yes, I want all that.

Beta - I may or may not be interested in that, if it is anything at all like a PTR, I’d be a terrible tester. I’m far too “Oooooh Shiny” to think about reporting any issues.

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