3 day early access for The War Within expansion if you buy $90 epic edition

Most of the people who care were probably gonna buy the epic edition anyway… Nonetheless, not great.

You guys are really reaching here. You finish leveling in 10 hours regardless. You are not going to get an advantage having a 3 extra days doing normal dungeons.

The only point you are correct about here is getting an earlier chance to exploit early and often.

You all are making me wonder if you have dementia and forgot how raid/M+ rollouts are scheduled.


Microsoft has nothing to do with it yet. They did this for Diablo 4 as well and that was before Microsoft.

And this is a good point because blizzard doesn’t punish exploiters. we saw this in 10.0.


I wonder how much of those 3 days I’ll end up spending fishing.

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It literally says that no matter what the minimum early access is 3 days. Hell it doesn’t say a max. They could decided to make it a week early access. It’s no matter what going to be 3 days or more.

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You may or may not get :

you may or may not also have 3 days of dealing with bugs and glitches that wont be fixed until after early access is over

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I’ll agree with you there. Blizzard is way too complicit with not smacking down exploiters, so people go ham because they know nothing will happen.

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3 early access days allow crafters to dictate the market. 3 EA days will shape the market

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Right? I’ll just be fishing and mining and starting my new gold empire.


At first, I didn’t think this was an issue, but the more I think about it, the less I like it. While I don’t think it will be a huge advantage, I do think it will harm the community that springs up during the early days of an expansion as people play through early scenarios. That feels bad, man.

I don’t think this is Microsoft’s fault, though. I mean, the purchase just recently completed. This feels more like Kotick trying to get as much money out of his stocks before he’s out the door.

All that said - I’ll likely still buy the Epic edition for the same reason I’ve purchased the collector’s editions in the past - I like mounts and pets.

Yeah I just saw this…guess I shouldn’t have been surprised with D4.

Makes me want to puke.

Other than D4…when?

Good way to sell the Epic Edition, got to jump on that. :rofl:

Explain to me how this will work.

You are under 0 pressure to purchase anything until raid/M+ releases on week 2. How are they going to be dictating the market by then?

The only time we had a real problem with that in DF was due to people exploiting rep and getting access to crafting recipes before they should have.

Hopefully that means we can get the physical CE before the official launch?

i guess i’ll just slum it out with the rest of the proletariat, 3 days late to the endless grind

I bought the epic edition, but not for early access. This part is just a bad idea.

The whole point of an MMO is SHARED EXPERIENCE!


The fact you think Microsoft had any say in BlizzCon stuff is hilarious.

They literally JUST finalized.

This is no different than Allied Race DK, Demon Hunter, or Evoker early access.


If crafting is anything like DF’s start, it’ll be a chore to level them. And if they follow the same crafting tree (which, granted, nothing has been revealed about that just yet), those early 3 days will be beneficial.


Sure, it might be a small short-term benefit for crafting, but people are acting like EA will provide a massive advantage.

I’m a cutting edge raider, and I feel 0 pressure to purchase it, so I don’t see what people are freaking out about.