3/9M BoD Veng DH (CE in Uldir + Legion) LF Raiding Guild

Looking for a mythic progression guild with good vibes. Ive been raiding pretty consistently through all of Legion and just took a hiatus for work related reasons (new job, bad shifts but all fixed now) and am getting back into the game. Looking for a group that doesn’t take itself super seriously (I play a meme spec) but still gets shlt done. Was a pretty heavy mythic+ player for a bit so I’m always game to do keys as well.

Currently 405 ilvl / 41 neck - logs are below. I’ve server transfered a couple times so logs can be in a few places. If you have any gameplay related questions let me know, can send images of my UI as well (elvui + benikui). Old gameplay vods can probably be found on twitch.tv/frostbyrne

Schedule is pretty open after 6:30pm weekdays or wide open on weekends.

Happy to chat anytime - btag is frostbyrne#11244

raider io /characters/us/illidan/Cinidari
bnet wont let me post logs but most are under cinidari-illidan or cinidari-thrall

this is my dad please i love him very much take him into your home

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Hey Cinidari!

JOGK on Thrall is 3/9M. I’d love to chat. You can contact me using the info below, I’ll shoot you a friend request on bnet as well. We’re a guild that’s part of a larger general gaming community that has many active and social members for just about anything you’re looking for. We have people on at all times of the day/night running keys and socializing. Here’s a little more info about us:

Raid Days/Times: Tu/Sun 8:30-11:30 EST (6 hours)
Current Progression: 3/9M
Recruitment Contacts: Zambistical#6438 (discord) / Zambistical#11130 (btag)
Application: (use chrome or the guilded app) //http://www.guilded.gg/r/AdARm90emR?i=v4D6MOqm
WoWProgress: //https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/thrall/JOKG
Warcraftlogs: //https://www.warcraftlogs.com/guild/us/thrall/jokg

Thanks for your time,

bumping for bumping reasons.

bumping bc thats my dad still

bumping also thanks son

help this MAN

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Why problem make when you no problem have you don’t want to make?

still on the lookout – hit me up fam