[A][Proudmoore] Aspect of Disunity (3/9M) LF exceptional players (W/F 7:30-10:30 CST)

is an oldschool guild thats been around since the Burning Crusade, we’re currently looking to expand our ranks with more talented players for Mythic progression.

Raid Times
Currently we are scheduled for Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. (CST / Server Time)

Currently, We are most in need of:

-Warrior (Medium)
-Paladin (Closed)
-Death Knight (Medium)
-Demon Hunter (Medium)
-Druid (Closed)
-Monk (Medium)

-Death Knight (Low)
-Demon Hunter (High)
-Warrior (Medium)
-Rogue (Medium)
-Paladin (Closed)
-Druid (Closed)
-Shaman (High)
-Monk (Closed)

-Hunter (Closed)
-Warlock (High)
-Mage (High)
-Druid (Low)
-Priest (High)
-Shaman (Medium)

-Resto Druid (Medium)
-Priest (Disc)
-Holy Paladin (Closed)
-Shaman (High)
-Monk (Closed)

Although these are our current needs, we are always willing to accept applications for trials from all well played classes.

What we expect:
Applicants should have extended knowledge on their class and spec (as well as off-spec, if we need to you change roles on some fights). This includes knowing stat weights to properly gem, enchant, etc. We only want players who can push the gear they have to it’s maximum potential. All members and applicants are expected to be fully gemmed, enchanted, and prepared for raids (Pots, Flasks, Food, etc.) when raid time approaches. Lack of preparation will be noted as poor performance and action will be taken accordingly. This is not a hardcore, waste your life, no-girlfriends allowed guild, but we will push progression tenaciously, and in turn are only seeking members who share our interest in doing so. This means you will need Discord, a working microphone, and the ability to know when it is and isn’t necessary to speak.

What you can expect from us:

  1. A team of like-minded players who share the goal and are capable of swift progression.
  2. A team that raids Smarter, not Harder.
  3. A Place to enjoy your World of Warcraft experience without the drama that seems to be so famous in other guilds.

If you are still reading, this might bee the guild for you. For more information, feel free to contact an officer in-game, or leave your real ID in our recruitment channel on discord @ discord.gg/5P99rD


PS. we might even pay for your transfer!


Still looking for players.

come raid and do mythic+ friends.


Come join the fun. :smiley:


Still looking for people to join.



still looking for raiders

still looking for talented players :smiley:


still looking for peeps

up up up need peeps