3 +270 KSM Friends LF new Guild, Mainly M+, but can raid casually

Hi, My friends and I are LF a new guild d/t life slowly bleeding out our last guild. We all have different but extensive WoW experience and are LF a Guild that knows how to play, but not so serious that the fun is taken out of it. Hopefully, with some funny, slightly inappropriate humor mixed in. Willing to transfer and faction swap or whatever if the fit is right. We are all 28+ y.o.

Ansel-US Laughing Skull, Resto Druid, 277, M+ 2771, not much raid experience past LFR in shadowlands, extensive raid experience vanilla to WotLK.

Felancorpse-US Laughing Skull, Blood/Frost DK, 276, M+2679, main tanks everything, causes Ansel heart attacks

Jaxxis-US Elune, Destro/Demo Lock, 271, M+ 2546, extensive pre-shadowlands raid experience and some SL experience.

We mainly focus on M+, Transmogs, Mounts, Ach points and camping horde (ATM, could do Ally if needed). Willing to raid if times and help needed but not trying to take a spot, just trying to get into the company of like minded, decent players and have fun. We love steak, cigars, whiskey, nerd stuff and gaming.

Thanks for your time if you read this far.

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Hey man seen your post wanted to reach out in my guild we have a relaxed approach we focus on AoTC and try to get into mythic and push casually we have players of all varietys, some only level snd mount farm while some push 25+ keys, below is guild info and raiding if interestd feel free to reach out
HitsHardr Thn Depression Group of friends reforming guild to push through the rest of the shadowlands and into DF. Currently Recruiting dps wed-thurs 8-11EST 10/11H we also run alot of keys and casuals are always welcome. We also have sunday funday and a normal/learner run of tuesday, if interested can message me in discord Craig#0794

Hey ansel. Good luck on your search!

I will admit, our guild is a little burnt out on keys, we still mythic raid twice a week! WE always grind keys hard though at the start of a season and far in. More people in the guild the better! Also potential fillers for mythic?? yes!!

I am the GM/ RL of The Alliance guild, Exclusive Outcasts (EO) on Kel’thuzad. We are an AOTC/Casual mythic prog guild! This guild is over 5 years old, collecting every AOTC all the way back to Uldir! With casual mythic prog along the way, but I feel like we got something special going on here!

As of right now we are 11/11 Heroic and 4/11. Pantheon Progress started! (Xymox and sausage dead) We raid Wed/thursday 7-10 server. (9-12 eastern for reference) Days can be changed, normally a Tuesday to fit schedules. BUT! This is always communicated!

I have my regulars; I have my new people. But sometimes people just need to take a break from the game which I totally understand. SO here I am recruiting once again! I am looking for competitive people willing to stick around and grow as a team. This guild will be alive and well going into Dragonflight :slight_smile: Competition is healthy! As of right now new recruits will have a fair chance at the top 20 raid roster. We are paying attention to our team to see who’s doing well and who’s struggling. Rosters are never set in stone and changes can be made! People who know their class, put in the time, and contribute to the raid team will always be competition for spots.

Looking for a potential SOLID mythic tank and a RDPS/MDPS! Healers we have an abundance of, but we could make things work. Honestly anyone has a shot! Mdps, RDPS. Casuals, fillers, ANYTHING! More people the better. Never know when we need back ups :slight_smile:

We have multiple members able to push higher keys. (20+). We run 15+ keys nightly. If you need a key, just ask!! we also have been running some RBGS recently and it’s been a blast. People are also running 2s and 3s :). Mount runs and achievement runs are planned and completed when brought up! We are in discord nightly having a good time! :sunglasses::sunglasses: Excited for you to join us!

Contact me at my battle net/Discord or just comment on the post :slight_smile:

Ty - Naughty#3575

Hello, I feel as though we may just be a perfect match for each other. It is end the end of x-pac and many are looking ahead to new content. We are still enjoying and working on goals for this particular expansion and patch revision.

Please see our blurb below, and if you are interested in learning more please reach out. I will be on all day. We welcome all types of players. M+, Raiders, Mog farmers/Mount chasers, role-players… you name it. Mainly we are just looking to recruit good people who are active and fit in with our group.

[A] [Galakrond] 8/11H – Recruiting DPS raiders & M+ of all classes, MOG/Mount Runners, & PVPers

Aegis is an adult, LGBTQ+ friendly, Alliance guild on Galakrond-US. Don’t let “adult” fool you, we’re certainly not “grown-up” by any stretch of the imagination, but we do have jobs, families, and outside responsibilities, so our approach to gaming is understanding of those things. We like to kill bosses with our friends and have a good time laughing while we do it!

Aegis raids T/Th 7-10 central we have consistently achieved AOTC over the past several years, and we are on pace to do the same this tier. We also run an open invite normal run on Saturday evenings that serves as a launching pad for new raiders, more casual players and alt experimentation. (And beverages and laughs.) We recruit players, not classes, as a rule, and strongly believe our members will have the most fun if they are playing a class they enjoy. Joining the guild is not a guarantee of an immediate heroic raid spot, as the set roster is up to the raid leader, but I’m happy to put you in touch with the leader if you want to talk that over first!

Our primary goal has always been to create a home for our members where our relationships with other players are celebrated AND our various adventuring itches are scratched, so while the guild organized activities tend to skew toward raiding and PvE content, our members enjoy a wide variety of activities, from achievements and collections to PvP and gold making. We encourage any member to start a group for the content that they enjoy and are happy to support that if we can!

If you are interested in learning more, you can reach out to me or any officer in game or on Discord.

BattleTag: Thorn#1109. Or Discord: Thorn#2184

If you are looking for a home and like to game with good people… Aegis could be the guild for you.

Haha love the RL likes lol

Check us out: [H] Shandris/Bronzebeard <HardcoreCasuals> 3/3 H F Raid, Looking for players for AOTC and M+


< Chimera > Formerly of Durotan server and now on Stormrage Is setting up for a return come dragonflight. We have been a guild since Vanilla (Beginning of BC) and have cleared every major raid from Vanilla to BFA.

Our old goals were heavily mythic / high end / hardcore oriented. This time around, we just want to have some fun, clear some Normal / Heroic content. (Rarely the occasional mythic fight) M+ and enjoy the game with each other.

If you are looking for a place with cool laid back people, the ability to learn and grow together as a team / friends, and longevity, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve been through everything from vanilla to half of shadowlands before finally deciding to relax… Now, we’re back at it and looking for fun and good people. Casuals are indeed welcome as well.

Now, I’m not saying that our raid schedule will be casual just do it whenever, Our raid nights will be Tuesday / Sunday 8-10:30 EST. but will have a much more relaxed outlook on that aspect of the game.

for more information please reach out! We look forward to hearing from you!

Feel free to contact me / us directly either in game… or by joining us on discord.

World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Community Invitation - WoW

A World of Warcraft Community is a cross-realm social group of adventurers who share common interests. It features chat and voice channels, event calendars and more!

^community invite^


Join the Community Discord Server!

Check out the Community community on Discord - hang out with 61 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.

[GM] Frozenwing - Stormrage (In game) Frozenwing#1670 - bnet
@Frozenwing#0516 - discord

The Azeroth Syndicate is a family friendly, semi-casual guild looking to fill some core raid DPS spots. Primarily looking for any ranged DPS and specific melee DPS. We raid Tu/Th 10pm EST and are 8/11H. We also run keys as well and have multiple 3k players.

We allow for cross server/faction raiding, so no need to leave your current servers or guilds if you only want to raid with us!

Contact Amerrol#1654

We are always looking for more people to do keys with!

Abomination - Area 52 is an AOTC focused guild. We started as a reroll guild back in December 2021. Everyone any level any class is welcome to join us!

We have decided to partake in cross faction raiding. We have both a horde and an alliance guild set up on Area 52. All factions are welcome!

Diablo Immortal
Our raid days are Thursday and Friday 7:30pm EST - 10:30pm EST.
Our current progress is 10/11N & 10/11H & 1/11M in SotFO. In SoD our progress was 10/10N 10/10H 1/10M. Our goal is to hit heroic at a reasonable pace, achieve AOTC every tier and possibly more. Repairs, flasks, feasts, armor kits, and weapon oils will all provided for each raid when appropriate.

Forgot to Flask
This is our second and new raid team we are starting up! We are still building the roster for it and have space for all roles currently. Our raid days will be Sunday and Monday 7pm EST -10pm EST. The current progression is 7/11H.

If you are not interested in raiding we have people running keys every day. Whether you are doing a +2 or +22 there are people here that will do it with you. :slight_smile:

So if you are interested in joining us, having some fun, and making new friends or have some questions feel free to join us in discord: discord.gg/abomination

hello friends!

Ever consider role playing while in dungeons? Look no further :stuck_out_tongue:

Guild & Server: [Discipline] [Alliance]: (US) - Aegwynn

2/11 M SFO
11/11 H SFO
5/10 M SOD

Raid Days/Times:
Tuesdays 7:30PM - 10:30PM CST
Wednesday 7:30PM - 10:30PM CST

Discipline had a civil revolution and ended SoD spectacularly, we are aiming to get as far as possible in SotFo and potentially CE!

We are a truly unique group of individuals who all live very busy real lives. We’re a fun and engaging community with players across all time zones. There are always active players online. We are efficient but not hard-core. At our core we push top end content but have players of all aspects of the game (Mythic+, PvP, Mount Hunter, Tmogers, Nomadic horde arriving fresh from O-grim-oar). We like to keep a note of fun in what we do. Progress is the goal but doing it without some laughs sucks.

Discipline is a LGBTQ friendly guild, toxic behavior and drama are not tolerated and will be dealt with IMMEDIATELY. :slight_smile:

Raider Requirements: Reliable attendance, High Learning Curve, desire to play the game.

Immediate openings available for Mage, Boomkin, Warlocks, Hunters, SP, ALL RANGE DPS

Join the fastest whimsical Alliance guild!

Recruitment Contacts: Shimmers#9567 (Discord), Thorr#8990 (Discord) or
*** Giauzer#8101(discord)/Giau#11835(btag) ***

Don’t go here craig smells like old lady parts

Hey there ansel,

We are currently looking to add more people for our mythic plus ranks in guild and thought id reach out. Below is our spam, Hope to hear from you soon.

[Inverse Logic] 1/11M 11/11H is a tight-knit, semi-hardcore mythic raid guild that focuses on finding a balance between good progression and flexible adult schedules.

Currently Recruiting

  • M+ tanks and healers
  • Dps (DH and Lock high need)
  • High need for a dps that can flex heal
  • 1 healer for raid (druid or monk)

We offer an inclusive, non-toxic environment with an active Discord, alt runs, and Monday night M+ for those who would otherwise miss out on a 15 in the vault. We are committed to maintaining an equally laid back and competitive atmosphere, where you can enjoy an after-work beer with friends and still clear some content! We are semi-hardcore, meaning we will expect you to play to the best of your ability and be continually working to master your class. We also understand that real life comes first. We are a team of parents, working professionals, and students who understand that sometimes you’re just going to miss the raid. We will work with you if something comes up or your schedule changes–as long as you communicate!

At this time, our goal is to achieve AOTC and push mythic as far as we can

Raid times are Tues & Thurs 8p - 11p Eastern.

Any spec/class is welcome to inquire, high need for hybrids

Social applicants do not need to be any specific class or spec! If you appreciate the environment we’ve established and think you would enjoy your time in our guild, you’re more than welcome to get in touch.

What we offer:

  • Flasks, food, and repairs for raid night.
  • Constructive feedback inside and outside of raid.
  • Laid back, adult environment.
  • An active Discord community.
  • A family of players who love playing with each other!

What we’re looking for:

  • Players with current or previous AOTC experience.
  • Performance-minded players who will work on their play outside of raid.
  • Team players who enjoy working with others.
  • Players who would enjoy a semi-hardcore approach to progression.

Btag - Doctersauce#1397
Discord - Doctersauce#4910

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Hey team! Looks very similar to our goals. Check this out and please reach out if interested:

damdifino#5943 (Discord)
Subst#5741 (Discord)

If you’re still looking for a guild pm me on discord SnackPack#6517


United We Loot on Stormrage here.

We’re always looking for more fun players to do content in-game with. Our primary focus is M+ and raiding. We run M+ most nights of the week. We raid heroic/mythic raids on Thursday and Friday nights from 9p-12a Eastern.

Certainly a fair number of steak eaters here, cigars I’m not sure about and you’d have a few whiskey fellows to chat about with as well. We do have a small spattering of achievement hunters in guild as well, though those PvP ones can burn in hell.

Our primary focus as a guild is doing content together while having fun. Push as far into mythic raid each tier as we can and run a fair amount of M+ and discord banter in between.

Reach out via Discord @ Deathfire#8715 and lets see if we might be a good fit for each other.

Hi Ansel!

I think you and your friends would be a good fit for our guild and community, Found a Green Quest.

If someone is looking for friendly social community, the beating heart of a MMO, Found a Green Quest is the place. While we have Keystone masters and amazing players, we have many more in the community either returning to WoW, in classic or just finding their way through the World of Warcraft in a casual friendly environment. We have mythic Mondays for a respectful and fun environment. We raid weekly in Wednesdays and Sundays and are interested in buildng up people not tearing them down. We have plans for guild sponsored PVP, regular t-mog runs to old content, Guild trivia and game nights, Pet battle tournaments, almost any activity you can think of in the game. If you’re a high key pushers but are getting turned off by negativity, or are a casual looking for a fun and friendly community or are a new or returning player intimidated by everything you see ingame and in Wowhead, we have Plenty of people ready to help you out. Give Found a Green Quest shot and you wont regret it.

Let Kiuayoukai or Vath know if you’re interested
Discord @ Kiuayoukai#2395
Battle.net Kiua#1912
Discord @nightraven2015
Battle.net DrDruid#1335


If you are still looking I would love to chat!

Organized Chaoz has been around for a while (we just changed our name)

We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9-11 est
However when we are not raiding we are running mythic+ and other content. We run tons of keys!

We love to do Tmog runs and try to get them in at least once a week.

We are pretty chill and like to have lots of fun!

My discord is Shiloh#0935 and bnet Shiloh#1377

And a question for you! Favorite whiskey/bourbon?

Hope to talk to you soon :grin:

Sounds like what we are looking for. I will get in touch with you next weekend. If I can’t catch ya since it’s a holiday weekend, I’ll get with you next week. Looking forward to talking.

Hiya! We are focusing on M+ right now and “fun runs” while we restructure for next tier of casual raiding. We generally focus on AOTC then may dabble into mythic raiding. A lot of our people don’t raid as well, so there is a good mix of people who are dedicated to M+ if that’s your jam.
Here’s my generic guild spam. Feel free to add me in game if you want to run some keys or something to try us out!

Created in 2008, Fätal Errör- Bleeding Hollow is a family-oriented guild. We are currently looking for like minded raiders who are looking to progress, but care more about having fun and enjoying friends. We are currently taking a break from raiding to restructure due to a lot of our members experience RL and burnout. We raid on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8pm-11pm EST and have an alt raid on Fridays. We are currently 11/11N and 8/11H. While we are promoting a friendly and fun atmosphere, we expect raiders to show up to raid prepared and ready to progress. When not raiding, people are consistently running mythic+, pvping, and hanging out in discord. We are a very social and active guild. All are welcome!

Feel free to whisper Jumpernickel or Gehena in game or btag Kayla#1755 or Chastely#1336 and we can shoot you an invite to our discord as well.
I look forward to hearing from you!

Sounds good. Look forward to hearing from you

Our guild is a Horde guild on Thrall but may be a good fit for you guys from the culture and goals perspective. We runs a lot of M+ dungeons outside raid time. Most of our players are older, so we are busy adults and not into drama. We have a lot of people who are experienced in keys past +15. Our guild is also AOTC (pre Jailer nerf) but pretty much just farming heroic at this point since the tier is ending soon. If you’re interested to chat, my bnet is stevelations#11594