2nd time carrying Covlol to glad

Well since everyone else is doing it. I might as well also.
Yesterday was the last time in the Xpac that i will have to carry Covlol to Gladiator. He was trying to make himself feel better because he was “stuck” playing with me before i deploy. mwhahahah the table has turned and i have spoken the truth!

Honestly i really want to thank Covlol and Wras for sticking it out with me this season before i head out. what a way to end this horrible season. Before all you DPS say this season wasn’t that bad. HAVE YOU HEALED THROUGH MLX or RMP that spite?!?!?!?

i wanna congratulate Recktz and Keyton. Both played some 2’s with me yesterday and today and both pumped out the dmg and went from 2230 to 2401 and achieved their first ever Elite title. I am excited for both of them.

Now that i am finished I have one last thing to say.
Tmpikaboo i need 1 win for my 1800 achievement in 3’s, can you hook a brother out?



I want to act like these are all lies, but they are not.


quit trying to steal my thunder cov

A SV hunter got carried, you say? Do tell.

I want to steal your back brace after this, you will never walk again.

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Couldnt you guys do this in game through whispers?

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Idk if you are allowed to say this with the amount of dear diary threads you’ve made


Im not making personal threads directly to someone talking about stuff that noone cares about in an attempt to pat myself on the back in public

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Hey look I’m Murrk, I failed to succeed at Assas at beginning of expac, and again at destro at end of expac so now I’m playing arms so I can pretend its the specs fault!


Someone seems kinda jelly


Nah just seems redundant. The game has various methods you can use to communicate with someone like this without making a public forum post. In game mail, whispers, btag chat etc. Even discord messages :slight_smile:
The more you know.

So what you’re saying is that you couldve messaged me in game, mail or in discord right?


No im simply replying to your comment in the thread.

because there are various ways to communicate in this game.

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I’m more interested in where you are deploying to, with who, and for how long. Can’t always divulge that info though so I’ll just say grats and stay alert.

Considering you replied to me here, i replied back here.

nope and nope

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nice try kuwait inbound


Well don’t worry In about 2 hours this post will be lost in the forums. Then you can be a fedora guy/girl on someone else’s post HURRAYYY!


Fedora? Must be some edgy joke the kids are using these days