2nd time carrying Covlol to glad

Hey guys, I care. These threads are the best because they’re typically funny in banter rather than the usual crying we see. Glad to see someone ruined that though.


For real, the arena forums used to be filled with stuff like this in MoP.

There was a ton more toxicity too, but it kind of evened out. Especially at the end of s15

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As someone who has carried Cov and played with Alcoric,…

This is very true. He even did it when he wasn’t skilled enough to get a good Voodoo Totem.


Alcoric carried Cov s1/s4

VT carried Cov s2, and ditched Cov s3 for classic.

dude i’m still waiting for another klungo post

Awesome job getting Glad! Congrats! Wonder if I could do it myself.

You definitely can, as holy you will probably be pigeonholed into mage/lock though which is super boring.

I never got a Rikki post though,… I feel so left out.

Now you know how I felt s3 while you were playing classic!

joke’s on you, he made QQ arms no self heal threads long before he started the destro struggle
which makes me want to see people like gwenchan push destro, kinda interesting to see where they’d get stuck

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LOL :joy::joy:

Gg brother


Wouldnt be stuck where your lock is thats for sure.

You and your whopping 50% win/loss in your 0 cr games… ouch. Speak less crap, get more gooder

i know arms is doing decent rn
but man i wish i wasnt shackled to a healer all the time