2k+ ques on Whitemane

Thanks Blizz, now i can’t even play the game anymore. I get off work and face 2+hour que. By the time i get in, i barely have time to do anything before i have to log for the day. Can we have layers back on our super high pop server?K. Thanks.


No. Take the free transfer and have a nice day.


Who are you to tell me what to do? Get lost kid.


Just someone who has no queues because I listened and got off whitemane day one. Enjoy your 3 hours of free time looking at the queue, wagie.


Good for you, now go play in your sandbox. This does not concern you.

Right… I think you’ll see no one else here wants to read your whining about this 100% self inflicted problem you’re having.


Blizzard gave you 3 months to transfer, you have no right to cry now, take the transfer already tryhard


There are 3400+ queues on Faerlina. One more reason it’s better than Whitemane :slight_smile:


Lol how is this problem self inflicted? I didn’t create this problem, Blizzard did. Layering worked fine on our high pop server, until they removed it for some arbitrary reason that makes no sense. As a paying customer i expect to be able to play the game that i pay for. Get it?Got it? Good. Now go pound sand fanboy.

Lol okay have fun. I think I’ll log in and play WoW now,


Take the free transfer. Issue resolved. Welcome.


You get one of each world boss per server. If you had layers you could potentially have 2.

Original wow was designed for everyone to be on the same plane of existence. The layers were added to mitigate the large population during launch. They said they would be gone by phase 2 well before the game launched. As far as I’m concerned they held up their end.

People had 3 months to migrate to different realms, people chose not to, this is the result.


Wait, what? Layers should have never existed in Classic like they never existed back then. Get off your cloud.
In any case, you were warned about this and you chose to stay in your server. Now deal with it (or transfer).


I was going to originally play on whitemane but I decided to chose the lowest pop that I could.

I kinda wish these transfer situations would go away so I can roll an alliance alt on a server that is majority horde.

Phase 2: Arbitrary Decision 2019

Good Grief.

How about a compromise: You guys get your layers back, and you never get P2 until enough of you disperse to other servers.


Right. Like it’s my fault that Blizzard didn’t have the foresight to handle the massive populations that flocked to classic. I picked Whitemane on day 1 because that’s where my friends are, that’s where my guild is, and that’s where my lvl 60 character is. I am not about to abandon all that because Blizzard is too incompetent to handle the volume of customers on certain servers. It’s like saying that if i hate CA traffic instead of addressing traffic issues, i should just pack up and move to a flyover state like Dakota instead. Solid logic here guys.


Pfft 2k ques? Don’t make me laugh.

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You know you can transfer your existing lvl 60 character for free right?


Only 2k…LOL!!! That’s nothing. Find something else to to cry about.

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To some garbage server that nobody plays on?That will be dead in a few months? Loose all my friends, my guild, my dkp? All because Blizzard can’t handle the amount people on my server? Thanks but no thanks.