2H vs Sword/Shield Tanking

We agree that it’s bad warrior play.

Bad warrior play is bad. 2H tanking is perfectly fine.

I must have misunderstood your post that I quoted verbatim

Yeah it’s almost like deceptively using quotes without context can twist the meaning of the words there.

I mean, and I’m not trying to deceptively twist your words here, but you do make it sound like you believe that tanks who strictly 2H tank are bad.

Depends what you mean by strictly. Refuse to switch, even if they’re dying? Yeah that’s bad. But I’ve had plenty of runs where I or other tanks tank the entire instance without needing the shield. There’s a difference there.

Look for lul I was in scholomance and I pulled 1 of those first guards , it was lvl 59 , using dual wield in defense stance I killed it with 1% health left and I had to use heal pot .

Does this mean Im a bad tank ? Yeah I clearly suck because I can’t solo 2 lvl 59 elites. Using mark of the unforgiven gives me 2% hit and 1% crit but its leather so its not the best tanking item . However I have 372 defense and if I had a tanking helm and shield from UBRS thats another 20 defense , what is defense cap?

But guess what. With full group fights don’t last 3 mins or however long that video was . And also shield block doesn’t produce threat so its a waste of rage . I might add that with dual weild I parry and dodge alot so revenge is always on cooldown.

The hard part for me is I need more crit to proc flurry . But lion heart helm is about 1100 gold and Im not rolling in gold .

I think many on this thread are laboring under the misapprehension that the speed of a dungeon run comes from dps. It doesn’t. It comes from healing.

The rate at which you can move through the dungeon is primarily gated not by how fast you can kill enemies but by how much downtime is required between pulls. While there are certain situations where you can shift tactics to generate a sufficiently enormous amount of damage that it offsets the equally enormous amount of downtime it entails, simply trading damage dealt for damage taken will not yield faster runs but slower ones.

This occurs because healing is fundamentally a trade-off between time and mana. You can heal slowly almost indefinitely but healing quickly will rapidly drain your mana pool. Moreover, because of how downranking works this scales super-linearly rather than linearly (as it essential does in retail). Pushing your healer just a little bit harder yields a lot more downtime.

It also increases risk - and the most time-intensive thing you can do is have players die.

Note: The threat argument doesn’t hold water either. DPS will always be able to rip threat if they’re so inclined, no matter how good you are as a tank. Increasing your threat from “I’m a competent tank who knows how to generate threat” to “I’m using fantastic gear and specialized tactics to maximize threat” shaves maybe a second off the beginning of the engage time because trash mobs (which are the majority of the time consumed in a dungeon) die so quickly.

Now, there a situations where the damage-dealt vs. damage-taken tradeoff makes a lot of sense. But you can’t effectively make this tradeoff unless you know the impact on the healer’s mana bar. Do you know the impact? Well, if you’re running with the same static group everyday, you probably do. Even if you’re not breaking out statistical analysis tools, decent tanks get a feel for how far they can push their favorite healer.

In a pug? A tank generally has no information whatsoever about the most critical element of ‘dps tanking’ - the healer’s mana-vs.-speed curve. As a result, the tank can’t make a rational decision about what to do based on their own capabilities.


No, rather that you’re not a tank at all.

As someone who has the gear and has even been told by my healer “dude you can just duel wield tank, it’s fine” who ALWAYS runs with me and knows what i can do as a tank? I will always prefer to go sword and board first because i know which bosses and packs will hurt more than others. There’s also the fact that with my shield on we can pretty much just keep rolling through 5 man content with renews and occasional heals.

Yes dual wield is fun and i can pump out some damage doing it but i always trust in the shield. I guess I’m just old fashioned like that.

You have no idea how much threat difference there is between the specs and how much dps have to throttle because of it if you think it’s only a second or two.


Shhhh don’t tell them about that talent called defiance!

I was full protection . I really loved that spec . Shield slam felt so beefy like a real tank . Healer complained to me I wasn’t taking enough damage once even . I would shield block use all the cool stuns 45sec cooldown and thought I was the boss. Except one problem , warlocks would pull agro off me at will , I taunted and I taunted .

Respeced fury prot. no more threat issues .

Then you’re bad. You had to put on training wheels to tank

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keep tanking in brd son , you will get there one day :slight_smile:

At least I am tanking. You’re a glorified dps

That’s true I guess. I can easily put on my dps gear and go dps and do somewhat decent damage with 32 points in fury . But you can’t :wink: as we saw in video.

And I can put on tanking gear and because I have 5 points in defiance and improved sunder + imp shield block I can tank too :slight_smile:

You can’t tank. Tanks mitigate damage.

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I did the same from ZF-60.
Same issues before.
Same lack of issues after.

Depends on the healer.

Some healers suck and you need to wear a 1 hand and shield and the run goes slower.

Some healers are good and you can 2hand/DW and the run goes faster.