2H vs Sword/Shield Tanking

For real. I have 382 defense. Most of these 2H and dw tanks have 310 at most lol

I’m not arguing that you don’t mitigate more by 1h and shield though. I’m arguing that things other than pure prot have real use as tanks and are in fact better at some things related to tanking. Since tanking isn’t only mitigation.

Trust me when I say we all know how unconcerned 2H tanks are about damage mitigation.

My favorite part of this is how we’ve now devolved to a point where people are saying it’s not a fair comparison because he uses talents and abilities.

I know we’re talking about 5 mans, but it also spills into raids. Saw a video of a guy trying to DW tank rag. He kept on dying and the raid leader kept on screaming at the healers lol.

It’s like they listened to some stuff from Skarm and ignored the part when he said you could do this when you outgeared the content. There’s guilds out there trying to progress with DW tanks in full DPS gear lol. As if threat is a problem anyways with most of those raids.

Stop spreading generalizations. There are good 2H tanks out there who do care about damage mitigation. There are bad ones who don’t. Just like there are good healers who can keep bad 2H tanks up easily, and bad healers who can’t even keep good sword/shield tanks up.

Fury DW tanking is a common thing on most P servers. The issue with it is needing all the healers on point and to have a certain threshold of gear/buffs across the raid as a whole.

Choosing to 2H tank is the opposite of caring about your damage mitigation. You’re literally sacrificing it to gain elsewhere, as has been argued countless times in this very thread. So no.

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You have 2 responsibilities as a tank. Hold aggro. Mitigate damage. If you 2H or dw tank you are only doing one of those


There’s nothing wrong with 2 handed tanking assuming you got a good group make up and the tank is around the average mob level in the dung on top of having a big enough hp pool.

It’s like you don’t realize that macros exist. I can initiate a pull as 2H tank and pull my shield out when mitigation is needed. It’s easy and effective makes the run twice as fast and makes it much easier to hold aggro.

You don’t know what you’re talking about.

No, I’m saying it’s not fair if he’s playing his spec semi optimally vs not even being the spec he claims is bad AND playing it utterly wrong.

I’d call that a shield tank. I’ve literally seen this happen maybe once in pugs.

Show us how a real tank does it in your comparison video.

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Imagine if he realised that not everyone can post links on forums . I haven’t played WOW for 12 years and even I knew that.

You need Trust level 3 to post links.

Which is exactly why what I said about good 2H tanks existing is a thing. Good warriors know how to do it both ways effectively, and understand when and when not to use the 2hander. There’s lots of bad warriors out there but also plenty of good ones.

Yeah, I’m sure that’s why no one will take up his challenge

I’ve been banned twice in the last month so I doubt I have trust level 3. Just paste a youtube link it will automatically show the vid

What you just described is basic warrior 101 play. I think when most people talk about 2 H tanks we’re talking about the guys who never leave zerker stance.

Unless you’re LOS pulling, there’s no reason not to charge in and WW, etc before going S&B.

I mean if OP wants to post ranting about people playing Warrior badly, at least call it what it is: bad warrior play. Ranting that all 2H tanks are bad is overly general and makes you look uninformed.

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I’m glad you agree

I don’t agree with your post…