2H vs Sword/Shield Tanking

No in this situation we would be seeing which tank can hold threat the best , Im tank not dps :slight_smile:

No sh!t that’s true for any tank vs. a well geared and played dps

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now you are starting to use your brains . This is exactly why improved taunt is better than improved sunder for fury prot .

If you have improved taunt and I don’t then that’s a huge advantage .

Remember once you are rage starved , you can’t land your Shield Slam . Now the threat will be who does most dps , that would be me my friend because Im dual wield fury / prot :slight_smile:

Basically your taunt is leeching off my threat output lol but I can just keep stealing it back instant you taunt .

No you are missing the point entirely. Even you will not be able to out generate the threat of the best dps without the use of taunt. We will both have to use taunt, and we will both hold aggro. The only difference is that I will mitigate damage while you won’t and instead will contribute marginally more dps compared to the dozens of dps in your raid.

How much extra dps are you contributing in a raid? It’s absolutely marginal compared to the dozens of dps. What isn’t marginal is all the extra damage you are taking

when did this go from 5 man dungeons to raids ? Now you are talking about a different thing from what everyone has been discussing .

In raids your dps are expected to use tiny threat addon for details . Everyone gives the tank a bit of time to get agro boss of course . And the main tank usually gets fed good tanking gear , has world buffs etc etc . It’s a totally different ball game . Level 63 mobs too , do you even have 6% chance to hit ? Probably not since your mitigation is so high . Again that makes me do more threat because I have 6% chance to hit and 305 wep skill as orc using axe .

But I can hold the threat for longer than you can thats all that matters , and when they finally catch up to me … 8 seconds has passed I can just taunt it back again .

you on the other hand with your weak threat will be running around like a mad man praying for 8 seconds to be up because you lost agro right away

I have 4% hit and once I get edgemasters that is capped. You don’t have +5 weapon skill like I do so you can never land hits as well as I can

The same principle applies to a dungeon group. You increase the damage done by ~30% by fury/prot tanking but the healer drinks more because you aren’t mitigating damage. You aren’t saving time

You aren’t tanking everything , you are losing threat to dps and you only have 1 reliable taunt . The hunter didn’t bother waiting for you to sunder all the mobs, they rush for him. When they get into melee range of the casters their threat increases and they now pull agro . Healer is dying , you run over to taunt off healer to save them of course . Dps is taking damage because you couldnt hold threat on 5 mobs . Now healer is healing everyone but you because you are the mitigation master .

Yep drink up healer drink up .

Edit: Forgot to mention when you turn around to save the healer , you get hit from behind by mob and now your shield is useless, you get dazed , now you cant even get near the healer in time to save them . they die , its your fault YOU BAD TANK

Lol is that a story of your S + S tanking experience? I’m sorry that you’re bad. I just tanked a UBRS a couple hours ago where someone stepped in the whelps, and 2 dragonkin were aggroed as well. I held aggro reasonably well and nobody died. 2H and dw is a crutch

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I like it best when they multi-shot just as you charge in , one mob gets stunned and the rest rush past you to the hunter .

Of course that happens rarely because those guys get black listed fast if they keep doing it .

What weapon are you using ?

Mirah’s Song

nice I use that in my offhand but I need to get axe offhand.

just had group in scholomance and had to throw on shield because 2 dps went afk without telling anyone and 5 trash mobs took over 2 mins to kill.

Pug life . They offered to pay me 10g after dungeon is complete . Maybe the group leader should have paid for some live dps as well ?

I always ask my group to pay for my repairs if I die. I just say “gold pls” and don’t move until someone trades me some gold

Just need on all the plate that drops it there is no plate wearers in group. Even if its not upgrade that will cover any repairs / tank tax. It’s easier to get money that way they get paid by someone lol.

This gone off topic a bit lol. Btw check out that sword silent fang . Pretty good vs caster mobs and its super fast.

Your video shows that there’s a massive difference between Defensive Stance + Shield + spamming Shield Block versus Berserker Stance + 2H. This entire thread is about Shield vs. 2H, not the difference between them with extra stuff thrown in.

An Imp Shield Block specced Warrior will see Shield Block be about an 80% DR when fighting exactly one of those elites. Why do you think you see an order of magnitude difference in the damage you take between a 2H and a shield? It’s not that the ~20% DR from the shield’s armor and the 20% DR from going Berserker->Defensive is the entire story.

It’s a pretty big loss of threat to use it, and a varying percentage of mitigation depending on the situation. It’s often not worth it.

Whoa whoa whoa where are you pulling that claim from? That’s just a hard lie.

We have now come to a key part of your claim: the claim that you can hold aggro.

You blast the DW/2H tanks for wanting to hold aggro better by saying that you can hold threat using S+B, telling them to get good. You just make the assumption that S+B and 2H/DW both need to hold aggro by using Taunt often in their rotation. That’s just wrong.

LOL no.

My first pull is always a reasonable pull to examine my healer’s abilities and/or ability to be not AFK. Depending on my comfort level with that, afterward I’ll pull bigger.

No, you’re wrong. Any tank, of any spec, will not be able to hold aggro with good dps going HAM on multiple mobs. You will have to catch up with taunt

You see that decked out Fury Warrior topping the DPS meters that’s pulling aggro?

Make him go Defensive Stance. Pretend he’s a tank. He now generates 50% more threat than the 2nd place DPS.

Congratulations, you now have your tank holding aggro so easily that anyone can go all out and not pull aggro.

Just because YOU can’t do it in YOUR spec doesn’t mean that it’s impossible.

Lmao who gives a sh!t anyone can hold aggro vs. single target. You can do that in green gear

You will not be able to hold aggro vs. many mobs against good dps without the use of taunt

And meanwhile your mitigation is terrible without a shield

Nowhere did I ever say it was single target.

Bad comparison. The guy topping meters is wearing mail and leather pieces, has no defense, and low stamina. A prot warrior can also deck himself out in DPS gear and put out more threat.

It’s a cool trick if your DPS and healers outgear the content, but at that point who really cares. You’re not really tanking at that point as the mobs are just going to melt and the healer can keep everyone up easily enough anyways.