It was assumed because otherwise you would be a liar. You cannot consistently hold aggro on multiple mobs without the use of taunt, in any spec. Even the first pulls in UBRS have you tanking 6 mobs a pull minimum. If you’re telling me you don’t need taunt to catch up on threat when tanking 6 mobs you are a liar
I disagree with that part . When I use deathwish I do 20% more damage . Then DPS can go even more ham. Thats why some of my boss fights are less than 30 seconds . I hold threat , they go nuts . Healer has to work harder but its a boss fight not trash mobs .
If the dps are slow then you need shield . fast dps then you dont need shield you need threat.
As deep protection spec you have no option to use deathwish, you have poor threat compared to fury/protection builds .
2h arms + defiance have more threat than deep protection but mostly vs AE because they seem to not regen rage as quick as dw builds.
This makes sense in some way. I might respec fury/prot once I get T2 gear and have to run lower tier raids to farm gear for guildies. Unless you are outgearing the content I don’t think it makes sense.
Going into naxx with T2 gear without a shield will get you killed in about 3 hits lol
You outgear those 5 man dungeons as soon as you get your pre raid bis .
Edit(dbl post) Im orc , Im not tanking because I want to MT raids else I would’ve rolled a troll race . Orcs are fury warriors. Tanking because no one will tank 5 mans
The benefit of deep protection isn’t threat generation or even it’s direct mitigation, it’s the situational utility you gain. Being able to CB a runner, or silence a caster, or disarm a heavy hitter, etc. In PUGs, especially bad ones, these tools can come in handy in situations which otherwise would cause a wipe.
2h tanking I’m bias agianst, its justifiable pre-SM but after I don’t see the benefit. Sweeping strikes has a decent CD, so you can only use that once every few pulls, WW is fine during the initial pull, but after that you are at the mercy of generally a slow swing timer, so both white hits and cleave are less frequent and you sacrifice mitigation. Granted never tried it, and tbh prob never will.
Fury tanking is interesting and have debated on trying it out. However the lack of TM bothers me and not the biggest fan of DW.
Regardless both DPS tank builds seem highly dependent on 2 things, being over geared(both the tank and the group) to actually benefit from it, and a competent group.
not nearly as bad as you think there is a reason why as people get far more geared they start ditching their shields in farm content also as you get more tank stats eventually you start getting rage starved due to too much mitigation
I will run a 2hander for trash pulls in easy dungeons AND I will 9/10 times be the top dps in the group. I see no issues with this. Why not fill 2 rolls with 1 player if you can? Just makes run go faster and things are dying so fast that I don’t take much damage anyway. The last dungeon that I have 2h tanked the whole thing is ZF, and it is a cake walk with 2hander. Lately I have been farming ST and I have been putting on a shield once I get to the dragonkin pulls because I realize that I would probably just die trying to DPS AOE tank those. Both methods are viable, but are situation dependent and a good tank knows when he can just dps and when he needs to play a little safer.
Just going to make some quick assumptions and address this comment.
With 300 skill, putting edgemasters on would get you to 307, changing your hit cap from 9% to ~5.8%, with 305 it gets you to 312, which changes your hit cap from 6% to ~5.3% In either case. 4% is not your hit cap, like ever.
Please don’t use edgemasters as a sword using human.
I 2H tank w/ a spinal reaper and full-BiS MC tanking gear. It’s extremely efficient and I make up at least 60% of the groups DPS…But before I got geared AF, I used a shield. Hell I still swap on a shield now when the packs get overwhelming.
Where did I say “sign up”? Actually, i never “sign up” as a tank. Nor do I form groups as a tank. But if I END up tanking because the group, who invited me as DPS, is now asking me to tank a dungeon where it is perfectly reasonable to 2h tank, then, that is how I’ll do it.
Now, have a seat and learn to read before you come for me again.
Kill-speed and CC are all forms of mitigation. It’s not just about holding threat. You take less damage if it dies faster or gets piercing howled and can’t touch you. I just have a feeling the OP has run with bad or undergeared tanks.
I find these posts funny at this point becasue I have NEVER had anyone i the actual game complain about me tanking with a 2hander, but in the forums it is one of the most common threads. These are all just trolls trying to get as many replies as possible to something people only actually complained about when game first dropped and NO tank could hold aggro on everything in VC at level 17 with 0 skills and white attacks.
Oops I pulled agro off the druid tank and warrior off tank in UBRS on general because I used recklessness + deathwish + blood fury
Warrior was using fel striker + shield . Key point is , if I was in defence stance I couldn’t have used recklessness so it would require an insane amount of healing if I didn’t stop attacking right away so the tank could taunt back . Unfortunately as soon as I started hitting again I became tank .
If the tank is really dying “in 2-3 seconds” like the OP claimed, it isn’t an issue of the tank “tanking right”, it means the tank needs to come back in 5 levels and/or after gearing up very substantially. Hell, if a hunter died in 2-3 seconds that would be surprising.