2h Frost (and Frostmourne) megathread

I’ve been trying to think of a way to reconcile the discordant pieces of background fluff (sorry, nothing in this game is deep enough for me to call it lore) concerning frostmourne without retcons and backpedaling. We’ve been told:

  1. Frostmourne was made by the Nathrezim.
  2. It was forged at the Forge of Domination in the Shadowlands.
  3. The only way in to the Shadowlands is death.
  4. Demons don’t go to the Shadowlands upon death, they’re recycled into the nether.

The only thing I’ve seen about crossing through to the Shadowlands is concerning people/souls/whatever, conceivably objects could still have a way to go in and out. Nathrezim have been known to bind souls to objects, and are masters of possession.

Hypothetically, could a Nathrezim bind he soul of one of their master smiths to an object, send it over to the Shadowlands, control/possess someone already there, forge Frostmourne at the Forge of Domination, send the sword back to Azeroth? Any holes I’m missing?

In regards to Maiden and going into the Shadowlands, I see it as entirely possible that we’ve just been skimming the surface of the Shadowlands without properly going in. I can see that as a way to explain away our previous Shadowlands experiences, including simply being in ghost form.

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