2H Enhancement

The title speaks for itself. I’ve collected and used most of my two handed axes and maces on my shaman, and now I can’t even use my abilities if I equip one.
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I want this as well would be super kewl
Even if it was just for looks, like a glyph or xmog feature.
06/24/2018 12:10 AMPosted by Valgorr
The title speaks for itself. I’ve collected and used most of my two handed axes and maces on my shaman, and now I can’t even use my abilities if I equip one.

For real!
If it was a glyph/transmog I would be for it, but I'm completely against it for actual usage due to balance reasons. Now you might not care about this (I don't know) but 2h enh has horrible issues in regards to burstiness, which in turn is a nightmare to balance. This is especially true for us given how much RNG we already have built into our class. Throw in the slow attack speed, high damage of a 2h (compared to DW) and then stack all of our RNG on top of that and it's horrible and I have no desire to go back to that.
Well now that Melee scales differently than it used to, balancing wouldn’t be as difficult. Especially if you slow the spec down when you equip a two handed weapon. Balancing isn’t an issue with the new system in place, so I don’t know why we are still restricted to using dual wield. I have a different class fantasy for my shaman than what blizzard thinks, so whether you’re for the change or against it, we should at least have the option to play how we want to play it. Even if somehow it is worse than dual wield.
06/24/2018 07:21 PMPosted by Valgorr
Well now that Melee scales differently than it used to, balancing wouldn’t be as difficult. Especially if you slow the spec down when you equip a two handed weapon. Balancing isn’t an issue with the new system in place, so I don’t know why we are still restricted to using dual wield. I have a different class fantasy for my shaman than what blizzard thinks, so whether you’re for the change or against it, we should at least have the option to play how we want to play it. Even if somehow it is worse than dual wield.

For PvE, maybe. As I said, a 2h operates by doing large damage but taking longer between swings in order to balance out the damage. This means that 2h does more burst damage no matter what. In PvE this can still be an issue in regards to threat and non-elite mobs as the mobs "can" just go poof (especially with WF procs) and the burstiness combined with RNG means that your threat generation can potentially outstrip the tank given the upcoming changes to tank threat generation. In PvP this is even worse because it means you can make an enemy vanish with zero counter-play and again because of the RNG of the class (or you sit there hitting like a limp noodle because of the RNG and long time between attacks).

Also there comes a point where letting someone play "how they want" is detrimental to the game. There was a time that Warriors had an actual melee staff from Vanilla, that doesn't mean they should make staves a viable option for warriors again.
Weapon damage got normalized and Windfury can't proc off itself anymore.
What made 2h Enhance an issue doesn't exist anymore, nor can it actually happen again.

2hs and DWing would result in similar damage outcomes anyways with active skills with the BFA changes.

Not to mention, Windfury hasn't really been meaningful passively in forever. It's a small % of a normal hit, not literal extra white swings with bonus AP.

Every time I see someone talk about burst concerns when discussing 2hs I can't help but giggle, cause it's really not a realistic concern.

Anyways, never gonna happen. At best, with some luck, the new transmog system for druids/pallies (being able to use your artifact appearance over any weapons) might pave way to stuff like 2h Enh, Fdk, SMF Fury, etc. Purely cosmetic.
wow classic will come soon enough then the return of 2hd enhance beware clothies.
Im trying to make it work! lol

might try other talents.
just pick anything that doesnt buff lava lash or stormtrike xD
11/03/2018 07:59 PMPosted by Toldren
Im trying to make it work! lol

might try other talents.
just pick anything that doesnt buff lava lash or stormtrike xD

My god, what buttons do you even have to press. You understand our entire spec revolves around SS, with a side of LL. You can "make it work" all you want, but very soon, the magic will wear off of this monstrosity you are trying, and you'll get tired of dieing to mobs during WQs.
11/03/2018 08:30 PMPosted by Klowdywilde
My god, what buttons do you even have to press. You understand our entire spec revolves around SS, with a side of LL. You can "make it work" all you want, but very soon, the magic will wear off of this monstrosity you are trying, and you'll get tired of dieing to mobs during WQs.

At least imma enjoy it while lvling or doing casual content.
theres a talent to use as maelstrom spender other than LL and SS
i figured out while leveling my shaman that i could turn a two handed mce (my quest reward) into a fist weapon and a shield. i see no real reason enh shouldn't have the option to MOG their weapons to look like two handed weapons.

as far as it being a thing where you could do both like frost and monks used to dual wield or use a two hander, that's a big NOPE from me. balancing nightmare.

this is the wrong forum for it but i also think fury should be able to mog one handers as one handers were originally their "fantasy" before blizz decided to ruin it and make fury 2 2 hander only.
Only reason it was OP back in the day was because WF could proc off itself. Without that, 2H wouldn't be nearly as good. In BFA all attacks scale off attack power, so 2H would pretty much only be for looks even if we could use 'em with our abilities.