How is Butterynips against the rules? Its the name of a shot. One of my favorites from when i was in the military and now because i got reported i was forced to change my name.
really. really ? you don’t understand why that is not allowed ?
First off the naming rules specifically state can’t refer to anatomy.
Its a shot! not anatomy! Look it up you will get flooded with pics of the shot!
Yeah, use a decent name for heck sake!
Nip in this case is not referring to anatomy little carebear.
continue being obtuse but we both know the shot has 0 to do with why you used that name (plus honestly anyone naming their character that and thinking it’s ok is nowhere near old enough to drink)
Its butterynip not nip.
i mean it’s not even funny enough to really fight for it
Nips is anatomy, bro.
Pick your battles more wisely in the future.
im 26 and a 5 year vet of the USMC i can grantee i have drank more than you.
And the shot is named for…
Also, try choosing a real RPG name. Not BS like Butterynips.
highly doubt it being that I’m a 46 yr old Canadian.
Bruh this thread. It’s like when i was 14 trying to defend the name “Neoboner” in DAoC because my class was bonedancer.
I thought of butter on a woman’s breasts when I read that name.
The name of the shot is actually Buttery Nipple and no, I don’t care that it is a name of a shot it won’t be allowed.
Use your common sense.
Im a former marine but you owned him there.
cant fit butterynipple in the name bar
No. No. Where does this mentality come from? I love that aspect of life as much as anyone else, but why any opportunity to be lewd? What are you, twelve?