2.8 Million Gold Per T3 Set! Absurd Pricing! Predatory!

There’s nothing difficult either about having to farm Wrath Naxx for these sets. There is no reason to make the drop late so low.

It’s strange that some people respond with “good it’s working as intended then” and “it’s not easy you gotta earn it!” as if farming Naxx is a challenge and finally earning it is rewarding? There isn’t anything difficult about clearing naxx 600 times. It’s just tedious!


Well,as of now,I wouldn’t bother in this endeavor,I would love to have the old set but it no longer exist so that set is the only one available which requires a lot of jump through hoops to get. I already done enough of that in the game,no thanks.


Why do we still base this new method on BMAH? If the idea is that it was to spend millions of gold as you mention, then you are confirming that the existence of this new method is unnecessary, since in essence it repeats the same thing as BMAH but worse, let’s stop using BMAH as the basis of how T3 should return please, people who didn’t get it before BMAH is because they didn’t have the necessary gold to fight for it, and this new method doesn’t help that purpose either, it’s not asking that it be free since nobody has suggested that in almost 300 comments, it’s asking that it be reasonable , 2.8m gold in vendor mats + 800k-1m in spend as undeath metal and then fight with RNG to get the lamented pieces is overkill for something they’re supposed to be difficult, if you’re going to make a new method to give accessibility to other players make it reasonable for an average player to get even if it takes 3-4 months.

They are supposed to slightly increase the drop rate of lamented parts and weaves in dented, but I haven’t been able to observe it myself yet because I keep farming, when I’m done I’ll try and give my fullest opinion, but I insist that that small drop rate increase is still insufficient and the devs should understand that they went to an unreasonable extreme just to keep those who got this one from BMAH happy.

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Im ok with the gold sink. The game needs some asperational sinks and this is a fun one.

What I don’t like is requiring a person with the set to be able to make the thing to cleanse it. I’ve been trying to workorder it but so far no luck :confused:


My thoughts exactly. The gold price and the low drop rate from the Dented tokens are obnoxious, but the Feat of Strength requirement on the recipes is the part that I think is really dumb. It just gives the auction house barons a means to gatekeep people from getting it.

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Whenever cross realm trading is back up, I can make all 4 of the items on Whisperwind, made a post on my server with my characters that can craft the items.


Bless you kind sir, but are work orders cross realm? i didnt think they were

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Sadly no, you would (once cross realm trading is back up) create a character on Whisperwind, mail the items to the character cross realm (including the lamented piece) get a mage port to Valdraken and place the order for the conversion item.

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Ok so that would put the BOP item on the alt on your server.

How would i get the thing back to my server? Sorry for being dense

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The alt would have the lamented piece, then cleanse the piece into the Bind on Account Desecrated Token.


Ahh! That’s right the lamented piece is not bop so i send the mats AND the lamented piece to the alt, do the crafting order and then can send the cleansed piece back…

200 IQ. This is why I play a role who’s job it is to be hit in the head (tank)



I am desperately trying to get the undeath metal for my first t3 piece - my shoulders! I just want to be sure to understand this real quick - I make an alt on your realm with all the mats to make the metal, plus my lamented piece - open a work order and send it to your BS char Voidlich-Whisperwind? Then once I have it, use it to cleanse the piece and send it back to my main? I am assuming I need to make my alt a paladin too?

Yes, but cross realm trading is inactive currently, when its available again and you can mail cross realm (no ETA when). And no the alt doesn’t need to be a paladin or plate user once you create the Desecrated Item using the Undeath Metal it becomes Bind on Account. You can mail bind on account items cross realm (not impacted by the current cross realm issues).

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Thanks! And thanks for the port! lol

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Well, I have finished obtaining 140 scourgestones (140 bosses on 10 characters), in total I have bought 47 dented shoulder pads and I got the following:

2 white
5 gray
2 blue
29 green
9 weaves
0 lamented

Personally I don’t see any type of improvement, it still seems absurd to me that after defeating 140 bosses in 10 different characters I haven’t obtained a single lamented piece, although I have obtained 9 weaves, I don’t consider this a great gain, let’s not forget that you need 1.4k to complete a T3, it’s been 2 weeks now that I haven’t obtained a single lamented piece, in the post where they mention the ‘‘fix’’ they say they plan to keep it rare, however It seems excessive to me that it is so rare where you have not obtained a single lamented piece after going with 10 characters, and it is not exactly a little time that you must invest to clean naxxramas taking into account that yes or if you must always waste 4 minutes waiting for a boss.

If any dev reads this, I want to ask a few questions, who is this method for? Because at the moment I do not see that it is aimed at the majority of the base player, neither average player, nor active player, this method feels exclusive to those who have a lot of gold to be able to buy everything without worries, I think that going with 10 different characters defeating 140 bosses is a good investment of time to at least get 1 lamented piece per week, but I have not obtained anything, yesterday I read a comment from someone who said that the first dented token that you open in the week grants a guaranteed lamented piece, I think this suggestion should be heard, the RNG is still a problem and the approach they are taking seems unreasonable to me, they are just listening and acquiescing to those who bought at BMAH, if they really didn’t want to ‘‘disparage’’ the work they did at BMAH, why didn’t they give something exclusive to them? There are other games that have brought back exclusive skins that they had retired and the original owners were given an exclusive skin to keep them feeling ‘‘special’’, in this case they are just creating BMAH 2.0, and well, not to mention that I find it very strange that they are arbitrarily deciding what is exclusive and should be awarded and what not, I wonder if they also thought about the players who paid millions in auction for Feldrake or more mounts, pets or toys in AH when they decided to give it away on Twitch, why in this case if they thought of those who spent on BMAH?, I would just like to ask for a little more seriousness and that they really fix this system, eliminate RNG or eliminate gold farm, do not keep both active or keep both but balance the balance, considerably raise the drop rate of lamented pieces and reduce the cost of gold that you must invest in this transmog, let’s stop putting a transmog that is divinity, it’s not different like WoW Classic T1 or T2.

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As someone who earned DDG by multiboxing the BMAH: I don’t care if people have an easier path towards obtaining T3, whether that’s through better RNG or an overhaul of the BMAH system that turns it into a rotating vendor. I do still think there needs to be a gold barrier and effort barrier of some sort, but hearing reports about 0 tokens out of 300+ pieces is a little unnerving. The current state is too much for single pieces. Keep the gold barrier in place but loosen the RNG a bit, overhaul the BMAH, or do both.

I wouldn’t mind if it was guaranteed 1 a week and then another one with more or less fair RNG, but going with 10 characters, defeating 140 bosses and in the end not getting a single one is really frustrating, and there are some who have gone with 50 characters and only gotten 3, I understand they want to make it difficult and ‘‘try’’ to block it with gold as well, but as mentioned before, there’s no need to go to extremes, you have to be fair too, don’t even elite transmog or mythic raid transmog is as hard as this lol

I understand.

I do want to avoid the situation where the developers sees backlash after they’ve offered an alternative to the BMAH towards obtaining gear, and then simply decide to never offer anything outside of the BMAH again. At the same time I understand the RNG frustration. I’m not targeting T3 pieces with the vendor (I’m using numerous BMAHs) but I am getting dupes from scrolls and it feels bad getting those dupes since each one requires 12 boss kills.

There should be some adjustments made, but I do think this was a net positive overall.

Look at it this way, there’s no need to get it all in one day, you can work towards his as a goal.

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Personally I do not consider it an alternative since in essence it is BMAH 2.0, this post and derivatives have left a message quite clear, this system that they have created is not liked and people are often preferring BMAH over this due to the RNG and that in the end they will end up spending the same or more gold on each piece, in the same way in this post and derivatives multiple suggestions have been left on how to improve this system, unfortunately it seems that they still insist on maintaining a BMAH 2.0 so as not to discredit to those who spent here, instead of giving them some exclusive reward to keep everyone happy and dont make T3 more harder to get than any other transmog in this game.

We must continue to support these posts and again send them the message that they are not listening to us and that we do not want them to “slightly” increase the drop rate, we need more notable fixes, bigger changes, in these cases it is where we need the WoW Council, but it seems that they have abandoned us.