Looking for a guild for evening raiding, no earlier than 630 PST on the weekdays and later on weekends. Prefer a typical 3 day guild. Didn’t have time for a full raid schedule at the start of the tier so stuck around a guild of under-performers for awhile to stay semi relevant and now that I have the time to keep up with a 3 day schedule want to find a home. I like to push keys and play the game and take raid time seriously researching my class and pushing what i can do. With Dragonflight looking promising would like to find a guild for the remainder of shadowlands going intro dragonflight. Really struggled to find a stable and reliable home since coming back for shadowlands.
BTAG: Lexaeus#1318
Discord: Theroden#3167
Raiderio: https:// raider.i o/characters/us/sargeras/ Minithero