272 Warrior LF AOTC Guild

Former HoF [A] warrior looking for a weekend raiding guild pushing AOTC.

Achieved CE in several tiers, the last of which was Nathria.
Currently 3003 IO score so I enjoy M+ as well.

I can play both Fury and Arms, however I do prefer Arms.

Links to my past and present WCL:
Sepulcher: www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/53632988
Nathria: www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/53632988#zone=26
Antorus: www.warcraftlogs.com/character/id/53632988?zone=17&new=true

Currently I am pugging all of my cooperative raiding and mythic+ content and I’d just like to find a place that isn’t so hectic. I am ideally looking for a weekend raiding guild, but I’ll entertain any offer. Thanks for your time.

Bnet: Halcom#11319

My guild is currently 10/11 H and looking for a battle shout! We could use a good warrior in raid. We raid Saturday 7pm-11pm and Sunday 7pm-10pm. We are pretty laid back, don’t have the optimal raid team but we still kill bosses. If you’re interested message Tariya#5813 our guild master. A few of us also push keys.

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