Heya, still looking:
7/11N, 1/11H
Ilvl 264
1687 m+
4 pc tier
2 x 291 legendaries
Surv off spec, but I much prefer mm
Have been doing m+, but now having some success pugging raids.
LF adult guild to raid and form a mid-level team (or join a team) to push keys/farm valor with.
Trial required before joining. I’m not interested in gear from a trial, just in getting a feel for your raid. Please don’t reply unless you’re actually interested. If you don’t want to add me to your voice chat for a trial, please save us all time and bypass me.
Thanks and looking forward to continuing to talk to people. I’ve missed getting to do larger-scale and higher-level things. It’s nice to get back into it.
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Add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to chat with you about us
We should talk!
my discord is fiikfiic#1242
I’m pretty sure you liked one of my posts
Hello there! our current raid is 7/11H and is looking for dps, we raid tuesdays and thursday from 7 cst to 10 cst, if your interested, go ahead and give me a friend request elixervitae#1387 or message me in game at elfbourne-sargeras
We’re a newly formed guild looking to achieve at least AOTC with every patch looking for core members of raid team!
Currently 10/11H Jailer to 4%!!
A little bit about ourselves, we created this guild due to constant negativity in one form or another in past guilds (loot drama, toxicity, favoritism, etc.). We are very motivated to make this a true progression guild, at least achieving AOTC and then venturing into mythic. Guild leaders have several experience with server first kills and have been a officers for top50 US guilds in the past! So I have no doubt that the progress will come for us, we just need to find good people to join us in this quest to kill bosses, get loot, and only have fun while doing it!
Raids are 9pm-12am server time Wednesday and Thursday
If this sounds like the right fit for you reach out to us on discord:
Gathimu#6640 (Co-GM)
Matheney#4526 (GM)
Hey, if you haven’t found your spot yet I’d love to chat with you about Animosity. We’ve been playing together for many years, and consistently earn AOTC. We are just about to finish off heroic Jailer in the coming raid nights, so that might be a fun trial for you. If you want to chat, add my bnet: Piratejimm#11957