26 hours later, and still

I just wish blizz would provide some communication on how this is being handled and the appropriate way to get your issue resolved.

All we hear is to make a appeal and wait in line but as I have stated some players are saying they are getting the issue resolved outside of the appeal ticket. Others say they know friends that submitted after they did and their friends already have a response.

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Exactly this. They tell us they are helped in the order received but literally people who put in tickets several hours after mine have been helped and unbanned while mine and many others sit un touched.


Not trying to be combative but its very weird that devs dont visit a customer support forum. Ya know where customers go for support?


The forum needs re-named to match its intention, I agree. That’s been debated so many times.

Going to be frank, the blues here really don’t have any say in what’s happening to accounts, how tickets are handle, nor they’re here to really field requests that isn’t in their job title.

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My respons from cs was:

…only defending is not in the spirit of pvp.


:rofl: Please don’t be a real quote.


when did you get response???

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Tell the zugs to come attack me at the east, west towers, or the RH because thats where I went most of the games on my DK since I was leveling using a system blizzard implemented. I was never non participating. Cant fight people if there are none. How can playing literal game objectives cause a ban? Even in games I fought no players I would turn grave yards and towers. Ya know part of the game? This entire thing is insane.

it is

I was one of the first ones that got banned so i did it b4 the huge wave - around last week took around 7h but now the office is burning!

Why does this matter? I haven’t been banned, but my go-to strategy is run straight for Dun Baldar and take either of the bunkers. When the archers despawn, I can just spend the entire game there defending the bunker until it caps. If no alliance show up, i dont do any damage or healing while at the same time contributing massively to a potential win by taking a DB bunker asap.


Exactly this!


If this is going to be their stance they need to just remove towers and graveyards and just make it an end boss zerg.


The problem is AV as a whole is setup in a way that encourages unusual behavior.

I am sorry but unless you are level 70 your best bet to be most effective to your team is to either back cap or stall and defend as long a possible. You are of little to no help being on the front lines.

So the way the system is setup, if you are legitimately trying to be the most use to your team you can be banned for 30 days no warning???


Which is EXACTLY what happend to me on my DK. Im not putzing around the harpie cave. Im in towers or graveyards, and making call outs in respects to where I am. Actual legit tactics.


I would ask again also why this would matter? It’s an objective based game, where the enemy may not show up to fight you. Taking towers is essential to victory, and this happens all the time. I’ve literally been playing all day today, and see so many less people defending towers, and just fighting mid throwing the game because they fear being banned for doing the objectives that are intended in the game.


Oh, it is a thing. We have seen it when a criteria of a ban wave had an error, or did not take into account some other factor that mitigated the action. When they identify something like that they could scan for and unban any account that met X parameter. Anything that did not fit the error parameter would need to be hand screened.

Not all bans in this case are in error.


Absolutely absurd damage and healing is taken into account.

So I am bannable as a druid if I run the flag, the other team never comes at me, and I 3-0. I did no damage. I did no healing. I won the game for the team. Banned for that? Is that what this review process is??

If at a low level I am capping and standing in a tower doing an objective and don’t heal or damage people I can get banned? What the heck?

Then to top it off you slap 30 days on people for it? I mean their are systems in the game that prevent abuse. A debuff that saps your honor. If you actually go afk you get kicked from the game. If you get a lot of reports you get kicked/honor sapped. If none of these things EVER kicked in on someone and they are banned then its an obvious system flaw. Top to bottom. Those things should be in place to punish players. They are there for a reason. Not some shadow ban that studies a parse of players damage and healing done.

Absolutely horrible.


Scream it from the rooftops brother. This is beyond insanity.

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So I want to ask and if you can’t say or don’t know I understand.

But from what I gather you are saying these ban waves come as a result of a system going through the data and flagging accounts that meet what ever criteria is being sorted for? I’m asking because of how your description of the unban reads to me.