25 Conq Per Win

I know when work got busy again during start of slands I fell behind and barely was able to manage my main

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Iā€™m not sure what the fix would be. Accelerate progression maybe? But I think the volume of effort to progress should just be reduced.

Honestly catch up systems, I donā€™t know why they arenā€™t there.

I would have been ok with legion weapons and even bfa heart had they persist past their own xpac and we built in that.

The whole progress your character and that progression only lasts through the xpac and we just get weaker and incomplete classes when the new one launches until we farm up the new system, that whole gestures wildly is just treadmill systems and every new xpac I have to unlearn habits that I learned in the last xpac because the borrowed system no longer works.

Really it comes down to these terrible limited systems that wonā€™t even matter in a new xpac

End of bfa had them, you got extra conquest until you got your week 10 weapon or something on alts that were behind

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Even early bfa had catchup pretty early with AP. They tried to make like a soft cap and each week would lower the requirement for leveling.

Agree the conquest cap should be like 1k and scrap the vault. The feeling when I spent all monday night doing yolo rbgs so I can get 3/3 in my vault only to get 3 pieces I already have, gives me depression.